Plan, Do and Review Solving Problems with the Singing Librarian Workshop for Upper Primary, February 2015
What is it? A problem-solving framework based on the “Big 6” Skills ( A problem-solving framework based on the “Big 6” Skills ( Adaptable vertically and horizontally across the Programme of Inquiry and with PYP research skills Adaptable vertically and horizontally across the Programme of Inquiry and with PYP research skills Today’s Goals: Introduce the Plan Do Review Framework Introduce the Plan Do Review Framework Explore how it works in the classroom Explore how it works in the classroom Try it out with one of your units Try it out with one of your units
How do we solve problems in real life? My residency permit has been rejected for the third time…
The Big 6 Define the Task Define the Task Develop a Search Strategy Develop a Search Strategy Locate Locate Use Use Synthesize Synthesize Evaluate Evaluate Plan Do Review
Plan, Do, Review: Ideas and Guidelines Plan: Identify prior knowledge: what do we know? Identify prior knowledge: what do we know? Create research questions: what do we want to know? Create research questions: what do we want to know? Develop a search strategy: where can we find out? Develop a search strategy: where can we find out?Do: Record the research (bookmarking, photocopies, note-taking ) Record the research (bookmarking, photocopies, note-taking ) Extract information (paraphrasing, summarising. annotating Extract information (paraphrasing, summarising. annotating Answer research questions Use tools to organise (g docs, noodletools) Synthesize and present information (summative assessment) Synthesize and present information (summative assessment)Review: Reflection/evaluation Reflection/evaluation
P8 How We Organise Ourselves Government systems influence the lives of citizens Concepts: Function, Perspective, Responsibility Summative Assessment: Students will select a topic to inquire into in which they are interested and write a report (writing to describe).
P8 How We Organise Ourselves PLAN 1.Define the Task: What do I want to know? Determine Prior Knowledge I know, I want to know Develop Key Questions Based on each Key Concept Identify Key Words / Search Terms Highlight key words you’ve used Find synonyms Where can we find these answers? Research Bookmarking, note-taking, paraphrasing, Google Docs Answer Key Questions Report Writing Using key questions as structure 2. Develop a Search Strategy How can I find it? DO 3. Locate 4. Use 5. Synthesize REVIEW6. EvaluateReflection
PYP Research Skills Formulating questions Identifying something one wants or needs to know and asking compelling and relevant questions that can be researched. Observing Using all the senses to notice relevant details. Planning Developing a course of action; writing an outline; devising ways of finding out necessary information. Collecting data Gathering information from a variety of first- and second-hand sources such as maps, surveys, direct observation, books, films, people, museums and ICT. Recording data Describing and recording observations by drawing, note taking, making charts, tallying, writing statements. Organizing data Sorting and categorizing information; arranging into understandable forms such as narrative descriptions, tables, timelines, graphs and diagrams. Interpreting data Drawing conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from organized data. Presenting research findings Effectively communicating what has been learned; choosing appropriate media. MTPYPH – pp.23
Plan, Do, Review: Ideas and Guidelines Plan: Identify prior knowledge: what do we know? Identify prior knowledge: what do we know? Create research questions: what do we want to know? Create research questions: what do we want to know? Develop a search strategy: where can we find out? Develop a search strategy: where can we find out?Do: Record the research (bookmarking, photocopies, note-taking ) Record the research (bookmarking, photocopies, note-taking ) Extract information (paraphrasing, summarising. annotating Extract information (paraphrasing, summarising. annotating Answer research questions Use tools to organise (g docs, noodletools) Synthesize and present information (summative assessment) Synthesize and present information (summative assessment)Review: Reflection/evaluation Reflection/evaluation