How Good Is Our School? (4th Edition) Patricia Watson May 2015
How good is our school?: the next generation 2015 HGIOS 4 ??????
HGIOS?4: Our success criteria It underpins effective self-evaluation. It establishes a clear standard for Scottish schools. It is valued and used by practitioners at all levels. It encompasses a shared language of improvement. It is viewed as a tool not a publication. It supports increased collaboration. It contributes to improved outcomes for learners.
HGIOS?4: what remains familiar? Focus on enablers and results Emphasis on triangulation of evidence Linking cause and effect - impact Learner at centre Proportionate approach Quality of leadership is key factor Partnership and collaboration Colour-coding
HGIOS?4: You said… It’s too complicated. There are too many QIs. Reduce the overlap. Give us more illustrations. Point us to the evidence. Strengthen the focus on learners. We need some new QIs Link themes to current policies/legislation. Link to the GTCS standards. Reflect distributed leadership more fully. Create paper copies and electronic version. Give us an APP.
HGIOS?4: We have… Simplified the structure SUCCESSES and ACHIEVEMENTS WORK AND LIFE OF THE SCHOOL VISION AND LEADERSHIP What outcomes have we achieved? How well do we meet the needs of our school community? How good is the education we provide? How good is our management? How good is our leadership? How well do we ensure positive outcomes and meet the needs of our school community? How good is the care and education we provide? How good is our leadership and approach to improvement?
How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? How well do we ensure positive outcomes and meet the needs of our school community? Our successes and achievements Our leadership and management Our learning provision How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? How good is the care and education we provide?
Reduced the number of QIs: SUCCESSES and ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING PROVISION LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT Raising attainment and achievement Safeguarding, care and welfare Self-evaluation and self-improvement Improving wellbeing, equity and inclusion Curriculum Leadership of learning Increasing creativity and employability Teaching, learning and assessment Leadership of change and collaboration Improving the impact of partnerships Personalised Support Leadership of staff Transitions Management of resources to ensure equity
Introduced some new themes: For example in successes and achievements: Improving attainment in literacy and numeracy. Progress in achieving equity in attainment and achievement for all. Promoting positive relationships, respect and fairness. Increasing employability skills. Children and young people’s voice in learning. Engagement with parents and carers and family learning.
Introduced some new themes: For example in learning provision: Arrangements for care, welfare and child protection. Learning pathways. Learning and engagement. Tracking and monitoring. Universal and targeted support. Staff capacity to meet the needs of individual learners. Continuity and progression in learning.
Introduced some new themes: For example in leadership and management: Evidence based review and improvement planning. Continued self-improvement. Impact of career long professional learning. Promoting creativity, research and innovation. Communication. Professional review and development.
Changed the structure of the QI pages Level 5 descriptor - based on each theme Features of effective practice Reflective/Challenge questions
And now we need you! Is the overall direction of travel clear? Are the proposed changes helpful? What else would you like to see?