RDA cataloguing with RIMMF (RDA in Many Metadata Formats) FRBR UnMARCed RDA cataloguing with RIMMF (RDA in Many Metadata Formats) Alan Danskin (British Library) I’m very glad to have the opportunity to show you RIMMF, which is a really exciting way of experimenting and learning about RDA. CIG Linked Data: Imperial College, 20150220
RDA is the successor to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules RDA is the successor to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. It is being widely adopted, but the benefits have not been fully realised and are difficult to envisage, particularly when filtered through MARC.
Visualisation Training Development Protype We have developed RIMMF as: A visualization tool: to help you to understand the RDA concepts of attributes and relationships of the FRBR entities, by: allowing you to enter descriptive data about the attributes of relevant FRBR entities; and then linking the descriptive data between related entities. A training tool: to allow anyone who is trying to teach RDA the opportunity to make actual RDA-based 'records' that link to other RDA-based records. A development tool: to show where further work might be needed on the RDA elements and vocabulary terms. A software prototype: to illustrate a few of the many interface possibilities that might be available in an RDA/FRBR world. Internally, RIMMF is an application that is modeled on 'RDA Scenario 1'
The drop down menus provide access to functions The drop down menus provide access to functions. The tools entity gives access to the entity index, by which the data can be searched. More about that later. From the tools table you can also search and import of data from external databases, such as LC.
In this example, I searchED for “The cuckoo’s calling” In this example, I searchED for “The cuckoo’s calling”. By Robert Galbraith. RIMMF has found two records in the Library of Congress Catalogue. In this case, I searched by title, but there are other options.
There is an option to look at the records selected in MARC
As you can see, we have two composite records describing the American and British editions of the work.
Next, I can import the selected record to RIMMF.
Here you can see the R-tree generated from the two records I imported Here you can see the R-tree generated from the two records I imported. You can see, that at the top we have the work record, with a single expression and two manifestations. The work is linked to the creator. Note that I haven’t edited these records in anyway, RIMMF has generated work, expression, manifestation and creator from the composite MARC records.
The drop down menus provide access to functions The drop down menus provide access to functions. The tools entity gives access to the entity index,by which the data can be searched. It also enables search and import of data from external databases.
The entity index provides access to the records in the data base The entity index provides access to the records in the data base. From the index you can select an open a record, or choose to view it in the R-Tree, which displays its relationships. The composite key is a verbal index entry: the human readable equivalent of the identifier. You can sort on each column. Here I have sorted by entity type.
Here’s an example of what RIMMF does Here’s an example of what RIMMF does. This is the R-tree for Jane Austen. This is a high level view, showing the works she created and also (less comprehensively!) the works of which she is the subject.
Let’s focus in on Emma. Here we can see expressions and manifestations of the work.
Time for a closer look…
We can focus in on a manifestation of the first expression of the novel. We’ve moved out of the R-tree view into the record view. Here it is in template view. But it can also be viewed in OPAC , MARC, or XML
R-ball RIMMF ball: Data about a set of related entities, using local RIMMF (RDA in Many Metadata Formats) syntax. RDA ball: Data about a set of related entities, consistent with RDA. RDF ball: Data about a set of related entities using Resource Description Framework (RDF) syntax. Resource ball: Metadata for a set of related information resources. Record ball: Metadata for a single information resource.
Jana-thon The records we’ve been looking at are from the recent Jana-thon held in Chicago at ALA Midwinter. This was a Hackathon, using RIMMF, to create an R-Ball of resources related to Jane Austen. Here’s another edition of Emma, which isn’t in that data set. We can add it to the existing data.
Create New Manifestation Open Template from File Menu Populate Template
Composite Key auto-generated from AAP checkboxes Type Title Proper Composite Key auto-generated from AAP checkboxes Controlled terms from drop down Right click to create Item(s) Extent Statement auto-filled from elements Right click to create new Expression for this edition Right click to create new Expression for this edition
Creating item records Item Record Template Item Records (volume 1 & 2) Item records are created in the same way as manifestation records. Select an appropriate record template from the dropdown and populate the data elements. The RIMMF ID and the link to the manifestation exemplified will be prepopulated. In most cases, it will be sufficient to record the identifier for the item. In this case, because the British Museum Shelfmark for both items is identical, I have added a “fourth mark” to create unique identifiers for both items. In most Libraries the identifier will probably be a barcode. In this case there is no interesting item specific data to record, so save and return to manifestaion
Right click to create new Expression for this edition
Add new Expression Right click to select work from Entity Index AAP auto-generated from checked elements
R-Tree view
Links RIMMF : http://www.marcofquality.com/wiki/rimmf3/doku.php?id=rimmf Janathon Information: http://rballs.info/topics/p/jane/janethon1/ Data created: [http://rballs.info/topics/p/jane/jane1raw.html] Triple store: [http://3store.rballs.info:10035/repositories/janeathon-ala2015] R-Balls Website [http://rballs.info/] (RDA/RIMMF/RDF/record-balls)