New Milford Public Library July News and Programs Now it is July and hopefully your summer is going great. Well, here at NMPL, things are sizzling! So read on and see what July has coming up. As always, check out our web site, or ask our helpful staff for all the details.
Adult Programs for July 2015 Special Programs Windows Performance & Maintenance Beginners’ Guide to the Cloud Make Your Own Herbal Sleep Pillow Microsoft Word Online Honey Bees Monthly Programs Monday Movies at NMPL Evening Book Discussion Group Friday Forum Science Fiction Book Club Return of the Independent Spirit Film Series For further information regarding any of our programs, check our web site at or feel free to ask any of our friendly staff.
NMPL’s Writers’ Group Summer Months The group is taking a hiatus for the summer. There will be no meetings for June, July and August. Updates will be posted in the fall. For more information or questions please call x201.
Evening Book Discussion July 6 at 6:30 PM Abby Ripley, a New Milford resident, has graciously agreed to be the facilitator of this group and has come up with a terrific list of books. The book for July is “Kafka on the Shore” by Haruki Murakami and the library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call x201 to sign up.
eBooks at the Library July 6 & 20 at 4:00 PM This is an open Q&A session for New Milford residents who would like help setting up their downloadable library eBooks. Bring your device, your library card and your questions. No appointment is necessary, just walk in. There will be 2 sessions in July: July 6 and July 20.
Windows Performance July 6 and 8 at 1:00 PM Does your computer seem slower than when it was new? Does it take longer to start up? If the answer to these questions is yes, then this class will teach you how to return your computer to peak performance. This class will meet for 2 sessions from 1:00-3:00 PM each day. You must attend the first session to continue with the second session of the class. Registration is required.
Monday Movies at NMPL July 13 at 1:00 PM Come view foreign films and discuss them. This month in this free series we will feature “Like Father, Like Son.” The film is in Japanese with English subtitles. It is not rated and runs 121 minutes. Light refreshments and a discussion will follow the presentation.
Beginners’ Guide to the Cloud July 15 at 1:00 PM Increasingly we are relying on services in "the cloud" for our entertainment, file storage, and backup. This class will introduce the cloud and some popular cloud-based services including Evernote, Pandora, Stitcher, iHeartRadio and Dropbox. This class will meet from 1:00-3:00 PM. Registration is required.
Make Your Own Herbal Pillow July 15 at 6:30 PM Make your own herbal sleep pillow with Ehris Urban of Grounded Holistic Wellness, LLC. Simple to prepare, herbal sleep pillows can help bring peaceful sleep and enhance dreams. Registration is required and the program is limited to 30 participants so sign up soon! This program is being provided through the generosity of the FRIENDS of NMPL.
Friday Forum – July 17 at 1:00 PM in Memorial Hall This is our monthly series where we host a mystery book discussion group. This month's book is “The Damascened Blade” by Barbara Cleverly. We provide the books and you provide the insight! The group is limited to 15 people, so please check if there is room by calling x203.
Microsoft Word Online July 20 & 22 at 1:00 PM This app is a free, online version of MSWord. It is great to use to create letters, resumes, newsletters, etc. In this class you will learn the use of Microsoft’s cloud storage solution, and how to create, format, print, and share simple documents. You must attend the first meeting in order to continue with the second half of the class. Registration is required.
Science Fiction Book Group July 20 at 6:30 PM Marilyn Gunerman, a New Milford resident, has graciously agreed to be the facilitator of this group. All book choices are drawn from award winners. The group meets the third (3 rd ) Monday of the month in the Connecticut Room. The library will provide the books. The group is limited to 10 people, so please call to sign up.
Honey Bees July 22 at 6:00 PM According to the USDA, “Bee pollination is responsible for more than $15 billion in increased crop value each year. About one mouthful in three in our diet directly or indirectly benefits from honey bee pollination.” So, NMPL and The Pratt Center are screening this important documentary with a Q&A following. Registration is requested.
Independent Spirit Series July 29 at 6:00 PM They're back! We have resumed our monthly series of popular, first run movies which lend themselves to lively discussion. Our series premiers with tonight's feature, "The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" starring Judi Dench and Richard Gere. This film is rated PG and runs for 123 minutes. For more information call x201.