Title and LO: How do plants and animals adapt to desert environments? Is this the ‘perfect’ desert plant? http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/plant-adaptations-extreme-heat/5514.html Eucalyptus and koalas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a140UkjcQac Musical intro
Is this the perfect’ desert animal? http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/animal-adaptations-to-a-hot-climate/5509.html Kangaroos and emus
Notes on plant adaption to arid area. - Succulence; Drought Avoidance Notes on plant adaption to arid area. Drought tolerance Drought avoidance plants such as this Brittlebrush often shed their leaves during dry periods and become dormant for a long time.
Bilby Red Kangaroo Perentie Lizard Animal notes; Animal notes; Two ways in which it survives are.; 1 Two ways in which it survives are. 2
Kangaroos are uniquely adapted to life in a country that suffers frequent droughts. The mother kangaroo spends most of her adult life pregnant, but in drought times, she has the ability to indefinitely "freeze" the development of the young embryo until food sources are replenished. The mother can also produce two different types of milk to suit the needs of two different aged joeys. She might have a more mature joey that spends less time in the pouch, while a very young embryo has attached itself to a teat. Each joey has different milk requirements - which the mother is able to supply. Kangaroos are able to travel long distances at a high speed, expending very little energy. They are very energy-efficient, and this is linked directly to the physical action of bringing their hind legs up with each hop. Every hop literally refills the lungs. Kangaroos have large, strong tendons in their hind legs which act as "springs". The springing motion requires less energy than running does, so kangaroos are able to bound for longer distances than other mammals with the standard four legs can run. They have strong back legs and elongated hind feet for bounding. Kangaroos are more active in the cooler hours of the early morning and the late afternoon. During the heat of the day they are more sedentary, lying around quietly and chewing their cud. Kangaroos have the ability to hear very well: kangaroos can twitch their ears. around to determine the direction of specific sounds, much as a cat does.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/camels-survive-a-sandstorm-in-the-sahara-desert/10471.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/how-are-camels-adapted-to-live-in-the-desert/6232.html A Sahara desert animal but there are some escaped wild ones in Australia!!
Plenary; Imagine you are at a bar talking to the kangaroo! Tell him in 30 seconds without hesitation why he is so good at living in the desert.
Is this the perfect’ desert animal? What do we mean by plant and animal adaptation? Drought tolerance Drought avoidance Succulence Plenary; Imagine you are at a bar talking to the kangaroo! Tell him in 30 seconds without hesitation why he is so good at living in the desert.