Do Now- 5 minutes Predict how cells were discovered. Predict why cells are diverse. Critique the following statement: If humans were made of one giant cell, our bodies would work more efficiently.
Objectives for today: TSW create a cell theory using scientific history and using an inquiry- based lab. TSW compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes by innovating a lesson.
RAFTS- Scientists Role- scientists Audience- scientific article readers Form- theory Topic- cell theory Strong Verb- create, compare, contrast
History of cells minutes (Real world application) 1.With table or individually, Analyze the research that led to the development of the cell theory using pgs in textbook or using (“Intro to Cells” in notebook). Include only basic information on the following contributors: Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schwann, Schleiden, Virchow 1.Use microscope, water pond sample, and slides to create your own cell observation lab 2.Create your own cell theory in notebook based off of the research and your lab. 3.Compare and Contrast your cell theory to The Cell Theory on pg. 70 in textbook
Careers in Cell Biology Look at all of the availability: Nominate 1 group member: Quick slide clean up- rinse off slide and place on appropriate paper towel by back two sinks!
Innovate a Lesson: Prokaryotes V Eukaryotes Constraints: table group; use only supplies at your station; you have 20 minutes (real world application-STEM) Read pg. 75 of textbook or ell ell Using the resources at your table (baskets, technology) innovate a lesson on Prokaryotic VS Eukaryotic cells.
Lesson Development Assistance Within your lesson, you must include: BASIC Model Mini informational poster (use colored paper) OR you may use technology (design a website, powerpoint, padlet page, etc.) 5 questions using words such as: analyze, compare, contrast, evaluate, critique, invent, develop, design, extend
Self Assessment: Answer the following on a sheet of loose leaf Topic: Prokaryotic V Eukaryotic Cells 1.Predict we will learn next? Explain. 2.How would you create/design an activity to help you better understand today’s objective? 3.REVISE the most confusing section of your notes or thoughts from today. 4.FORMULATE a plan or find an unusual way to study/remember today’s lesson.
Cell Parts Use pages of book as reference or eukaryotes/ eukaryotes/ to create a cell model- you must provide the FUNCTION of every cell organelle Plant OR animal cell