Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education for NTI Conference November 12, 2014 U.S. Department of Education1
2 Activities, programs, or services designed to help an individual acquire a combination of basic academic, critical thinking, digital literacy, and self-management skills Includes competencies in utilizing resources and using information, and acquiring other skills necessary for successful transition into postsecondary education, training, or employment
What kinds of technical assistance will States need to understand these new definitions? Are there models in States now? What kind of professional development is needed to assist States and instructors? U.S. Department of Education3
4 Service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training Targets training in occupations or clusters that assist adults in their educational and career advancement
How can we put quality criteria in place to ensure that IET programs provide sufficient focus on basic skills instruction while providing workforce training and workforce preparation? What accountability measures should be in place for programs that use AEFLA funds for the workforce training component of IET? U.S. Department of Education5
6 Codifies the IEL/CE program, previously funded through annual appropriations Provides instruction in literacy and English language acquisition, civic participation and the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and workforce training Activities must be provided in combination with IET activities Focuses program design and goal on preparing adults for employment in in-demand industries and in coordination with local workforce system Reserves 12% of appropriations to support IEL/CE activities
How can States conduct IEL/Civics in combination with IET? Are there existing models? What are the implications for the intensity of the programs funded? U.S. Department of Education7