11 STUDENT SUCCESS 2020 Felicia Patterson Vice President, Learner Support Services Anne Arundel Community College ACCT New and Experienced Trustees Governance Institute August 4, 2014
2 Past Success = Enrollment Growth and Reputation Future Success = Quality, Innovation, Accountability, and Completion Community Colleges Redefining Success Modified from Staisloff (rpk group), 2013; Patterson, 2014
3 Anne Arundel Community College Student Success 2020 The purpose of Student Success 2020 is to continue our commitment to student success by helping more students be more successful. We will measure student success in terms of educational goal attainment with emphasis on the completion of degrees, certificates, and other workforce credentials.
4 Guiding Principles for Institutional Improvement 1. Committed Leadership 2. Use of Evidence 3. Broad Engagement 4. Systemic Institutional Improvement 5. Diversity and Equity Adopted from Achieving the Dream (2010)
5 Design Process Intentional Implementation Theory Help all students identify meaningful educational goals. Build systems and programs to track, monitor, and support students’ progress in achieving their goals. Involve faculty and staff in examining all programmatic and functional processes to identify and address points of vulnerability in students’ journey to goal completion. Make changes necessary to increase student success. Incorporate into the Strategic Plan.
6 Strategic Issue 1 Access Strategic Issue 2 Success Strategic Issue 3 Resources Student Success 2020 Strategic Plan FY Increase college access for all student populations Optimize student success and goal completion Maximize internal and external resources
7 1.Successfully complete remedial or developmental instruction and advance to credit-bearing courses. 2.Enroll in and successfully complete the initial college-level or gatekeeper courses in subjects such as Math and English. 3.Complete the courses they take with a grade of C or better. 4.Persist from one term to the next. 5.Attain credentials (certificate, associate degree, or workforce credentials). AACC Student Success 2020 Goals
8 Key Performance Indicators Student Success 2020 includes 35 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for Access, Success, and Resources KPI’s identified by Institutional Assessment Team KPI targets informed by Area Experts (Individual/Group) KPI’s are approved by the Strategic Planning Council KPI assessment rubric: Exceeded: Target exceeded (r>100%) Met: Target achieved (r=100%) Developing: Target not achieved, but “close” (90%≤ r ≤ 99%) Not Met: Performance substantially below target (r<90%) *r= percent to target
9 Lessons Learned Common definition of student success is significant. Importance of capacity building. Organizational change may take cultural change, which often takes time. Broad dissemination of data to key stakeholders must be practiced. Student success is demonstrated through a variety of evidentiary sources. Professional development is critical in changing business practices to focus on student success.
10 Lessons Learned Focusing on student success requires courageous leadership and conversation to do what we know is right. Evidence-based management requires creating a culture of evidence through improved college-wide data collection procedures, data analysis, and action based upon the evidence. Student success must be initiated through strategic thinking across structures, programs, and people that challenge institutional culture, decision-making, and current ways of knowing. Impacting student success comes from intentional, sequential, college-wide, and collaborative decision- making across the institution.
11 Student Success 2020 Results Year One Built the capacity to manage, review, analyze, and interpret data Year Two Integrated Achieving the Dream into an already established structure Identified the right people and the right work to impact student success Beginning of a culture shift and paradigm change Year Three Strengthened structure for student success work Focused on broad engagement Transitioned with college leadership Year Four Reviewing benchmarks and accountability Developing new structures and interventions Addressing student success and diversity