1 CEN Standard on Medical Physics Services: Structure of Standards Derek Pearson, ECMP 2014, 11 – 14 September 2014, Athens, Greece Derek Pearson IPEM representative on the EFOMP Working Group CEN Standard on: Medical Physics Services
2 Standard development process Informal national standard development – iCEPSS based on an existing international accreditation standard – ISO goes beyond ISO but should confer accreditation to ISO to meet wider certification requirements (ISO provides assurance to ISO 9001:2008 certification standard) Formal national standard development – BSI Working group established to develop BSI Generic standard supported by technical notes that are specialism specific e.g. Radiotherapy Physics Proposal to take forwards the BSI standard to CEN as a European standard 2
3 Structure - iCEPSS Improving Clinical Engineering and Physical Science Services UK project managed by the Academy for Healthcare Science and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Accreditation rather than certification to demonstrate that services are fit for purpose Accreditation provided by an independent accreditation body Includes Peer Review Currently >30 standards spread over 5 domains and aligned with the requirements of ISO
4 The standards domains
5 The standard structure
6 Domain 5: Clinical Scientific Service The purpose of the Clinical Scientific Service domain is to ensure the delivery of safe, effective, timely and high quality services. This is achieved through adoption of clinical scientific practices appropriate to patients or service users; effective management of service--‐specific risk and emergencies; and the review of existing and new clinical scientific practice to develop and improve the service.
8 8 Key performance indicators set at 4 levels (A-D) for each Standard/Criteria. Accreditation level set at B with best practice identified as A and two pre-accreditation levels (C,D).
9 Structure - BSI Scope Normative references – other BSI standards that are essential for interpretation of the standards Terms and definitions Management requirements Overall system requirements Technical requirements Personnel, training and competence Facilities Specific service requirements Standards will be generic but allow for development of technical notes that give specialism specific guidance
10 CEN Service Standard – CEN guide 15
11 Structure CEN standard Title Foreword Introduction Scope Normative References Terms and definitions General clauses setting out requirements that follow the service Service requirements Education requirements Organisation requirements Annexes – normative and informative – can include curriculum requirements Bibliography
12 Issues Timetable to publish BSI standard – Jan 2016 EFOMP representation on BSI standards group Timetable for CEN production 3-4 years – potential publication in 2019/20 Align standard with other national/international accreditation standards Diversity of services vs specificity of CEN standards iCEPSS standards are available on the Academy for Healthcare Science for public consultation until 14 th November
13 iCEPSS Service specific guidance Each criteria is associated with example evidence that is: Specific to each specialty where necessary Supported by a knowledge base for guidance as to best practice MFR4 C2 There are systems in place to ensure the correct installation, calibration, operation, performance and maintenance of technologies Radiotherapy - IMRT Evidence – procedure for the implementation of a treatment planning system for IMRT IPEM report 96 Guidance for the Clinical Implementation of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 13