Don Bosco Center for Social Change - DBCSC Women and Child Welfare Department of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGB) Mission: work with the BMC to create 5000 new women entrepreneurs by 2015
Goals of the BMC Project By 2015: Create 5000 new entrepreneurs Create 50 Trainers to deliver skills trainings Startup model team enterprises Handhold 100 job creators By 2017 Hopeful of training potential entrepreneurs Strong network of 200 TOT Setup of 100 team enterprises
Primary details of the BMC Project 24 BMC Wards 25 Community Development Officers 10 Community Officers 25 Community Development Societies 1593 Trained Self Help Groups 1138 Untrained Self Help Groups 15 Different types of trainings 5 Don Bosco Centers 15 BMC community centers
Primary details of the BMC Project (continued) Project Period - 19 Months Began in September 2013 – Ends in March (2500 in a year) Women to be trained 15 Different types of courses 125 Batches (20 trainees per batch) 100 Hours training program (96 hours skill training plus 2 hours examination plus 2 hours certification)
Estimated Social Impact of BMC project Direct Indirect Social Empowerment Economic Empowerment Women networks women active in networks Self Help Groups taking leadership roles Economic Independence Approx women entrepreneurs Total wealth Rs.50/- per day) = Rs. 7 crores 73 lakh Local economic development Employment generated Rs.6k avg income per month) - Trade done Rs.3 lakh per day Decision makers in families & communities - Leadership roles taken in public service - 50 Case-studies of community leadership