Introduction to law Business Law #1 Zhanat Alimanov, School of Law.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to law Business Law #1 Zhanat Alimanov, School of Law

Attendance NOT OBLIGATORY It is strongly recommended to attend all the classes

Bonuses 1. Final Round of Moot Court Litigations (2.5 & 5%) 2. Paragraph A bonus class (1%) 3. Participation at Moot Court Litigations (free discussion time, at least 1 time, 0.5% total)

Bonuses 4. Toastmaster classes 0.25% for each attendance 5. Assistance (will announce to all students, 1%) No bonus papers!!

Exams & Tests Open Book!! All Exams are Comprehensive!

Grading Midterm Exam 30% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam 40% 1. Quiz on Contracts (10%) 2. Quiz on Company Law (10%) 3. Two legal research assignments (5% each) 1. Moot Court (10%) 2. Exam (20%) 1. Test on Rules (2%) 2. Exam (18%) OR 1. Exam (30%) 1. Moot Court (second Round) 10% 2. Exam 30% OR 1. Exam (40%)

Reading materials Civil Code Tax Code Labor Code Presentations

“L” Drive Structure

“Essentials” File Grades Schedule Moot Court Litigations

Purpose and Scope of Study Understanding of Differences between types of Companies Formation of Contract Defenses to Formation of Contract Grounds for Contract Voidance

Why important?