Herbert Protocol & Dementia Awareness Sergeant Vanessa Rolfe
Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there?
The Herbert Protocol
War veteran of the Normandy Landings George Herbert War veteran of the Normandy Landings
Benefits Bespoke protocol for an organisation that can be updated easily A documentation of intention to underpin care procedures and to follow best practice Opportunity to liaise regularly with local Police contact
Benefits of Herbert Protocol Contingencies – to deal with missing persons Coordinated / Professional approach from care home staff Beneficial to care homes on inspections Beneficial to care homes in the eyes of residents relatives Professional package to hand to police to ensure – swift and coordinated Police Response
Statistics 2352 Missing from home in 2013 16.1% with mental health issues (11.95% in 2012) 9.3% of these missing 3 times previously Significant costs to other partner agencies
Statistics On average, in police time each high risk missing person costs £3201 and medium risk cases £1234 in officer time Costs to other emergency services Right to life, Protection of life, duty of care On average, in police time each high risk missing person costs £3201.94 in officer time. (30 PC hours, 15 Sgt Hours 5 inspector Hours, 2 Supt Hours). Statistics provided by Insp Allison £76800 could be saved .
Resources VANESSA Police resources dogs helicopter operational support specials & volunteers landrovers body heat seeking equipment H2H RESOURCE INTENSIVE Routine tasks can be time consuming – checking hospitals previous misper reports
Other Emergency Services Response VANESSA Paramedics Fire & Rescue Air ambulance Coast Guards Media BUT ultimately we want quick response to have the best opportunity to find the missing person SAFE & WELL
Herbert Protocol Developed Available for anyone with dementia or learning disabilities http://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/dementia
Dementia Awareness
Partnership Working Health Authority Fire & Rescue Service Local Councils Alzheimer’s Society Community Members
Dementia Awareness Resource Library Community Champions App for Smart Phones Training pack Satellite Tracking
Dementia Friendly
Thank you vanessa.rolfe@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk