Country Report Developing Professional Competency For UBD Professionals
Background UBD Library Key Strategic Areas Human Resource Management Strategy Public Service HRD Policy: PMO Circulars 1991, 1995 & 1997 Local Training ( Institute of Public Service) UBD Library HRD Objectives Initiatives UBD Library HRD Program Achievements Challenges Conclusion AGENDA
BACKGROUND UBD formed in 1985 with 187 students. Currently have about 4000 students. 5 percent International Students 16 Faculty & Centres SHB Institute of Education (graduate school) SOAS Centre for Islamic Studies (Graduate School) Faculty of Science School of Business and Economics Akademi Pengajian Brunei
Language Centre Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences PAPRSB Institute of Health Science Faculty of Integrated Technologies Faculty of Science Institute of Asian Studies Institute of Leadership, Innovation and advancement Institute of Policy Studies E Governent Innovation centre UBD-IBM Centre Continuing Education Centre
15 Professional Librarian (PhD, Masters, Degrees, HNDs) 41 Support Staffs 8 Vacancies (5 professional Librarian) Vacancies STAFF
Human Resource Management Collection Development Information Service Development Space Development UBD LIBRARY KEY STRATEGIC AREAS
To provide effective and structured long and short term human resource development programme HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY
The National Public Service HRD Policy and Guidelines The University Library HRD strategic Plan HRD BASIS
HRD Programme Under Public Services: Meetings and conferences; Short Term HRD Programmes: Seminars, Forums, Workshops, Attachments, Symposium, Congress, etc. Not more than 30 days; Long Term HRD Programmes: Foreign or local Institutions. More than 30 days. Cerificate of Qualification- based Program. (First Degree, Post Graduates, etc) Each has its own terms and conditions. Emphasis 100 hours training per year for every government servants: PUBLIC SERVICE HRD POLICY: PMO CIRCULARS 1991, 1995 & 1997
Leadership Development Programme Analysis and Organizational Development Programme, Management and Supervisory, Communication and Customer Service, ICT Skill Development LOCAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES ( INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC SERVICE)
To make available adequate and skilled human resources for the administrative management and provision of vital information and services to various library stakeholders; To increase library staff knowledge, network, and exposure; To develop staff skills, competencies and expertise in key areas of librarianship and information Sciences; To provide effective and structured long term and short term human resource development programme; UBD LIBRARY HRD OBJECTIVES
Providing relevant in-house or overseas short term training programme (skilss and reskills) through workshops, seminars, conferences, staff exchange program etc on library and information management and related disciplines. Giving opportunities to staff to specialize in one or more areas of information and library management identified such as: Digital libraries, Metadata, Information Literacy, Preservation and Conservation etc. Recommending at least 3 staffs to pursue In Service Training Program locally and internationally for Diploma, Undergraduate and Post Graduate Program. INITIATIVES
Conferences & Seminar Workshops In Service Training Scheme (Long term & short term) Study Visit Attachment & Internship (PIPIL) Training Prgramme : In-Service (short and long term) (Iatul, Harvard Leadership For Academic Librarian) : In-House by local and foreign experts UBD LIBRARY HRD PROGRAM
Enabling Staff to gain better promotion International standard & Best practiceS adoption. Enhance Staff confidence Better Succession Planning Staff having Multidisciplinary Background and user satisfaction ( based on surveys & Feedback) Service enhancements through technology Institutional recognition ACHIEVEMENTS
1.Para professionals staff lack of required basic qualification to pursue higher diploma/degree 2.Staff mobility/turnover cannot be contained due to slow recruitment process. 3.Inflexible Scheme of Service makes it difficult for job Development from within. 4. Training Programme through online programme (ALA, LA, ACRL) not yet recognised. 5.Content Specialization programme difficult to achieve; For International Programs: Limited number of staffs to be sent : Existing staff are less qualified to further degree level study; Professional Staff readiness to present papers in conference Limited opportunity for Para-Professional staff to Attend conference; Professional Staff readiness to present papers in conference CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES
CONCLUSION Our HRD effort are always towards establishing confident, dynamic & competent Librarians.