Trends in HIV prevalence and HIV incidence in South Africa Thomas M. Rehle, MD, PhD Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Cape Town, South Africa AIDS.


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Presentation transcript:

Trends in HIV prevalence and HIV incidence in South Africa Thomas M. Rehle, MD, PhD Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Cape Town, South Africa AIDS 2014 Melbourne, Australia

National HIV Household Surveys South Africa Main survey objectives: - to obtain national, representative data for the entire population - to estimate HIV prevalence & HIV incidence - to measure behavioral / socio-demographic and health indicators Reporting domains: Age Sex Race Locality type (urban formal, urban informal, rural formal, rural informal) Province

Social science that makes a difference National HIV household surveys South Africa 2002, 2005, 2008, 2012 Multi-stage cluster sampling Linked anonymous HIV testing Study population: ≥ 2 years in 2002 & 2005; under 2 year olds included in 2008 & 2012 Specimens: 2002 oral; 2005, 2008, 2012 dried blood spot

National HIV Household Survey South Africa 2012 Survey period: January 2012 – November 2012  38,431 interviewed  28,997 tested for HIV

Laboratory Testing Dried Blood Spot HIV Ab screening PCR (infants) HIV Incidence Testing (> 2 years) Antiretrovirals ARVs Ab Pos


P = I*D …If it was so easy New infections Prevalence Deaths

National HIV Household Survey South Africa 2012 HIV prevalence, total population: 12.2% (2008: 10.6%) 6.4 million living with HIV/AIDS

HIV prevalence by age and sex, South Africa, 2012

HIV prevalence by sex (15-49 years), South Africa, 2012

Trends in HIV prevalence in children, South Africa

Trends in HIV prevalence by age, South Africa

HIV prevalence among females, South Africa 2008 and 2012


→ need to test for ARVs in HIV surveys! ART rollout in South Africa (L. Johnson, SAJHIVMED 2012)

Testing for ARVs Method: High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC – MS/MS) Qualitative determination of ARVs (NRTI, NNRTI and PI) in HIV positive DBS samples: 2012: Zidovudine, Nevirapine, Efavirenz, Lopinavir, Atazanavir, Darunavir

ART Exposure, South Africa mid-2012 Variable Estimated number of people living with HIV (n) Estimated number on ART (n) Proportion of people living with HIV on ART (%)[95%CI] National 6,422,0002,002, [ ] Males 2,531,000651, [ ] Females 3,873,0001,344, [ ]

ART Exposure by Age Group, South Africa mid-2012 Variable Estimated number of people living with HIV (n) Estimated number of people on ART (n) Proportion of people living with HIV on ART (%) [95% CI] Age group ,879166, [ ] ,269102, [ ] ,705,5061,466, [ ] 50 and older 610,323260, [ ] ,425,7761,569, [ ] Total 6,422,1792,002, [ ]


Measuring HIV Incidence South Africa Direct HIV incidence using blood specimens - Multi - assay testing algorithm

Recent Infection Detection Algorithm LAg- Avidity EIA ARV Testing Viral Load Long-term Chronically infected subjects OUTCOME Chronically infected subjects receiving HAART Chronically infected elite suppressor or subjects with low VL Recent Positive Negative <1000 copies/mL >1000 copies/mL Recently infected individuals

Direct, assay-based HIV incidence rates by age and sex, South Africa 2012 Age GroupsHIV incidence % (95% CI) Age ≥ 2years Total1.07 (0.87 – 1.27) Male0.71 ( ) Female1.46 ( ) Age years Total1.49 (1.21 – 1.88) Male0.55 ( ) Female2.54 ( ) Age years Total1.72 (1.38 – 2.06) Male1.21 ( ) Female2.28 ( )

Direct, assay-based HIV incidence rates by behavioral and socio-demographic variables (15-49 years), South Africa 2012 Variables HIV incidence % per year (95% CI) Marital status Married 0.55 ( ) Single 2.28 (1.82 – 2.74) Number of sexual partners in the past 12 months One partner1.67 ( ) More than one partner2.43 ( ) Selected at-risk populations Black African females years4.54 ( ) Black African males years1.84 ( )

Measuring HIV Incidence South Africa Indirect HIV incidence using a mathematical model - HIV incidence estimation from HIV prevalence data collected in repeated national population-based surveys (HSRC 2002, 2005, 2008 & 2012)

Time Age First cross- sectional survey Second cross- sectional survey Inter-survey period 15y 20y 25y Not same individuals followed-up, but the two samples represent the same population.

Modeled HIV incidence rates by age, South Africa , and

Acknowledgements This research has been supported by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through CDC under the terms of 5U2GPS and U2GPS

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