Background and functioning of Austrian dual VET – apprenticeship training Thomas Mayr November 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Background and functioning of Austrian dual VET – apprenticeship training Thomas Mayr November 2014

proportion of students in VET at Sec II Austria: 76,8% EU-average: 52,8% completion rate of Sec II Austria: 87,4% EU-average: 81,1% early school leavers Austria: 7,3% EU-average: 11,9% tertiary attainment Austria: 23,5% EU-average: 32,3% youth unemployment Austria: 9.2% EU-average: 23,5% labour productivity Austria: 115 EU: 100 Sources: Eurostat, OECD; latest figures ( ) Some statistics: education and economic indicators

Austria’s VET system Dual VET - Apprenticeship training (around 40% of 16+ year-olds) training enterprise (80% of time) and part-time vocational school (20% of time) demand led system: apprenticeship contract between enterprise and apprentice training is based on two regulations (ordinances): training company and school 200+ apprenticeships (“professions”) in practically all branches of the economy with a 2-4 years training period depending on the profession basis for “Higher VET”: “Meister” and other professional qualifications (ISCED 5B) and other VET programmes (ISCED 4) as well as a range of “non-formal” programmes  Demand driven, “market logic” Full time school based VET (around 40% of 16+ year-olds) combination of general and vocational education different types and duration Double qualification in VET-colleges: VET-diploma and university access  Supply driven, “entitlement logic”

Austria’s VET system “Training guarantee” by AMS (Austrian Public Employment Service) support in finding an apprenticeship in a company workshop based programmes in the conceptual framework of dual apprenticeship training (Überbetriebliche Berufsausbildung ÜBA)

Elementary occupations clerks, skilled workers, Crafts and trades workers etc. technicians and associate professionals professionals managers 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Proportion apprenticeship graduates 27,5% 37,3% 52,6% 31,8% 7,3% Austria‘s occupation structure (ISCO) and the share of apprenticeship graduates within each group Source: Statistik Austria, Mikrozensus 2013, Arbeitskrafterhebung, ibw

Why do companies train? Business case: return on investment Catalyst for moving beyond informal arrangements: institutions and governance structure, support to companies The Austrian approach: The profiles of the different apprenticeship trades are negotiated between the social partners in the Federal Advisory Board Administration and competent authority: Economic Chambers act as intermediate bodies between companies and the ministry of economics Accompanying support measures: financial incentives, practical training guidelines, selection tools and services for recruitment, trainer academies and networks, services to organise international mobility etc. Part-time vocational school: provided and financed publicly

Research & Development institute Research & Development institute Support tools for recruitment Online vacancy platform Economic Chamber and PES Apprenticeship training and its institutions Accreditation as training company Apprenticeship office at local Economic Chamber Economics Ministry CVET Providers of Chambers Trainer qualification Training guidelines Organisation of training alliances Economic Chamber Before the apprenticeship Recruitment Training Before the apprenticeship Training Recruitment private and public institutes International Young Workers Exchange Mobility: work placements abroad Trainer academies and networks Financial incentives National competitions, Euro / World Skills Support/study material for examiners and apprentices Organisation of exam and awarding of qualification Excellency Award „Fit for future“ Research & Development institute Economics Ministry CVET Provider of Chambers Apprenticeship office at local Economic Chamber Training for examiners Exam / After the apprenticeship Vocational School asignments and questions for exam Before the apprenticeship training Career guidance: centers and online toolsonline tools Research & Development institute

Conclusions on Austria Austria has a strong VET model at secondary level, notably through apprenticeship training but “higher VET” is fragmented and is not understood as tertiary education in the national context challenge: OECD signals and EU-2020 benchmark on higher education broader understanding of “high-level qualifications” needed: more than academic higher education!

Conclusions on principles a profession is more than a job VET needs to be an integral part of the education system progression routes are needed from VET to HE and - even more important - within VET training must be attractive for companies. The “business case” logic must be an accepted starting point for policy making institutions and governance structures are needed that allow “co-ownership” at system level, including quality assurance

ibw Austria - Research & Development in VET Rainergasse 38, 1050 Wien