London Work Based Learning Alliance 16 March 2015 Harminder Matharu Head of Employer & Delivery Services
Skills Funding Letter 2015 to 2016 Sets out the priorities and funding for financial year Reflects reforms set out in Rigour and Responsiveness in Skills Priorities Prioritise 16-24, Higher Apprenticeships and SMEs Grow employer engagement in Trailblazers Build Traineeship offer and implement reforms Increasing local influence on skills system
Skills Funding Letter 2015 to 2016 Review of English and Maths Outcome based success measures College financial health Management and review of subcontracting
Allocations for 2015/16 Peter Lauener letter to all providers in February in response to Skills Funding Letter. Confirms Skills Funding Agency’s approach to managing the reduction in funding Apprenticeship budget set at £770m for English and maths, traineeship and apprenticeships remain priorities
Performance management rules Outlines new flexibilities for moving funds out of non- apprenticeship ASB contract for FE colleges Rules for managing London ESF Apprenticeship Grant for Employers included
Traineeships New factsheets highlighting changes to eligibility Find a traineeship service now live JCP referrals - provider feedback
Localism LEP influence on local skills budgets paper builds on commitments made in the Local Growth Deals Paper outlines the principles for allocating funding, supporting LEP demand, management of ESF and sharing of data Devolved AGE – Manchester and Sheffield from April 2015