Working together to provide support to countries in light of Global Fund new funding model Nigeria Country Experience Dr A. O. Awe, NPO TUB/WHO
Outline 1.Country name, submission date 2.Partners involved Lessons learned: 3.What worked well 4.What didn't work well
Nigeria Current TB grant Current TB GF Grant: Phase 2 of Rd 9 Phase 2 period: Jan 2013 –June PRs: ARFH IHVN (MDR component)
Country NFM Process The Nigeria CCM is coordinating the development and submission of concept notes using the New Funding Model (NFM) to access funding for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Health System Strengthening (HSS). The HMH chairs the CCM; WHO WR act as RMC chair Key feature of NFM is the “country dialogue”. The CCM also coordinated the Roadmap for the Joint TB/HIV Concept Note writing.
Road map for NFM CCM constituted a Multi-stakeholder NFM Core Team with clear ToR to drive the preparation and application processes Included governments, donors, technical partners, civil society, and key affected and most- at-risk populations. The country dialogue led to identification of national strategies, resource available, TA needs and country prioritized activities for TB/HIV. Joint TA plan and ToRs developed; recruitment of TAs still on-going (19 thematic areas identified for TA support for the TB/HIV concept note)
Nigeria NFM TB/HIV timelines Key dates: in discussion with GF secretariat; CCM Final TB/HIV CN submission: 15 August 2014 Technical Review Panel (TRP) review: 15 Sept st Grant Approvals Committee (GAC) meeting: Sept 2014 Grant making: October January nd GAC meeting: February 2015 Board meeting/approval: March 2015 Sign additional grant funding: by April 2015 Availability of new grant funding: 1 July
Progress with Ingredients for Joint Concept Note ComponentCOMPLETION?? Key TA Provision by ?? TBHIV 1 National Program reviewYES WHO, KNCV, USAID, CDC, etc 2National Strategic PlanAlmostYESD arcy/ Daniella 3Epi AnalysisYES Babis(WHO HQ) 4Programmatic/Financial Gap Analysis YesOngoing 5Target settingYesOn going D arcy/ Daniella, UNAIDS 6HSS assessment /analysisOngoing“”WHO 7Identify joiTB/HIV prioritOngoingOn No Ext consultant 8Consultative/technical meetings b/w GF and PEPFAR on Prioritization of support; HELD GF, USAID, GON
TA SUPPORT REQUEST AREA ACCORDING TO NFM MODULES EXTERNAL TAs INVOLVED 1TB Care and PreventionUSAID, KNCV, WHO 2MDR TB KNCV, WHO, USAID 3PMTCTUNICEF 4ARTWHO 5HIV Prevention and Most Risked person UNAIDS, UNDP, UNODC 6Health System StrengtheningWHO, UNDP 7NFM Concept note drafting (narrative sections) WHO 8Concept note development leadership UNAIDS (HIV); USAID/KNCV (TB) HSS (WHO) 9Cross cutting supportUNAIDS, UNDP, WHO March 2012 Off-Cycle Phase 2 Panel 8
What worked well Central coordination by CCM Harmonisation of roadmap; TA needs. Readiness of stakeholders and Partners to dialogue to identify way forward. National TB and HIV Programme and stakeholders working closely together on the processes of the joint concept note writing Coordination of TA from TBTEAM, WHO, KNCV and UNAIDs
What did not work well/ Challenges Not all TA pledged / consultants were available at time specified, especially on HIV side Still looking for external TB/HIV consultant Shifting dates on roadmap