Program Design: Analyzing Program Models PS 430 Unit 7 Program Design: Analyzing Program Models
Unit 7 Project View this data for Pathway High School, determine results and analyze results: Minimum of 2 pages APA format including in text citations and references Minimum of 2 academic sources which can include your textbook Determine the purpose of each data requirement above by discussing how it can be used in the program planning process. Identify each type of data collected as either quantitative or qualitative
Unit 7 Project Figure 1: The occurrence of aggressive behavior incidents reported before and after the program began Using the data in Figure 1, discuss the level of challenging behavior incidents reported before and after the program began (include discussion of the need for the program and the general impact the program had on challenging behavior).
Figure 1
Figure 2 Using the data in Figure 2, calculate the mean (average) score on the observational checklist before the program was implemented and after. Use this data to discuss the impact of the program on behavior correction procedures in the classroom. To Calculate the mean Add all the numbers Divide by how many numbers Use excel fx average
Calculate the Mean Scores on the observational checklist was compiled to measure correct implementation of behavior correction procedures before and after program implementation. The scores are as follows: What is the mean score for each condition? Scores on Observational Checklist (out of 100) Before Program Implementation After Program Implementation Teacher A 65 95 Teacher B 85 100 Teacher C 40 75 Teacher D 60 Teacher E 50 80 Teacher F Teacher G Teacher H 90
Figure 3 Using the data in Figure 3, calculate the percentage of students who rated their school experience at the highest level (5) and the lowest level (1). Discuss these results as they relate to student satisfaction after the SWPBS program was implemented. How to calculate %: X/Y *100 # of students who rated 1/total # of student * 100
Calculate the % Worst Best Rating Scale Score 1 2 3 4 5 # of students before program start 70 85 40 30 # of students 3 months after program start 25 45 95 15 # of students 6 months after program start 10 35 115 50 What % of students rated their school experience at the highest versus lowest level during each condition (before program, 3 months after program start, 6 months after program start)? Total # of students surveyed = 225
Elements of a Program
Program Design Program design refers to identifying and defining the elements that goes into the delivery of a service.
Inputs Inputs to a program include five elements representing an agency's resources and raw materials. Client and Consumers Staff Physical Resources: Materials Facilities Equipment
Throughputs Procedures that will be implemented to carry out the program The more traditional systems theory language uses the term throughputs in place of activities. Service Definition Brief definition of the services to be provided Narrows down the service Service Tasks Helps to define the activities that go into the provision of the service Brings clearer definition of: Who does what with clients For what purpose Under what conditions
Throughputs Cont’d Methods of Intervention Explains the way that services will be delivered Includes words such as: teaching, facilitating, enabling Important to identify best practice
Outputs Direct products of program activities Number of sessions provided Number of seminars taught The purpose of measuring output is to determine how much of an available service a client actually received and whether the client completed treatment or received the full complement of services as specified in the program design. Units of Service Contact units: 1 contact between worker and client Material Units: tangible resource provided to the client Time Units: can refer to direct client contact/paperwork completion
Outputs Cont’d Service Completion Final input When will client be finished with the service? Defined at the time the program is designed Can be difficult to define depending on the service Defining output prior to implementation of a program also enables evaluators to distinguish between someone who completes the program and someone who drops out.
More on Outputs Quality Frequently addressed with the use of standards Must be well defined Melded with units of service and tracked
Outcomes Do client improve due to services? How do you define or measure improvement? Standardized Measures Have been validated Level of Functioning Scale Specific to the program of service Requires that practitioners rate their clients on several aspects of functioning. Client Satisfaction Client satisfaction scores provide a one-time statement of a client's perception of the usefulness of the services provided.
Outcomes Cont’d Intermediate Outcomes Final Outcomes Changes in the quality of life if the client measured at the completion of service Final Outcomes Changes in the clients life as measured in follow up
Impact Measurable change occurring in organizations, communities, or systems as a result of services. It is always possible to aggregate data, but not possible to disaggregate.
Program Design Evaluation Look at example in textbook Pg 154 What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? With consideration of all the different aspects of programs we have just discussed which program would you choose? Why?