SAFSAS Conference August 2014 Umhlanga Rossella Meusel Educational Psychologist College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science Student Support/Counselling & PR Division
INSPIRING GREATNESS According to research conducted by the Council for Higher Education (CHE) in 2009, there has been a national decline in the number of students that enroll and complete postgraduate degrees. However, according to the 2013 CAES report: 1646 graduates : 1020 UG 626 PG ( 98% enrolment PG)
INSPIRING GREATNESS The University of KwaZulu-Natal, College of Science, Agriculture and Engineering, decided to investigate the factors that influence students’ success into postgraduate studies and conducted research with third year students.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Postgraduate students are an “essential competent of modern industrialized societies” (CHE 2009). There remains an “urgent imperative” to increase the numbers of postgraduate students for the country to remain internationally competitive.
INSPIRING GREATNESS The key participants (205 third year students) were identified by random sampling. Research was conducted after obtaining the necessary approval from the UKZN Ethical Commission and relevant gatekeepers based on the principals of autonomy, respect, non- maleficence, beneficence and justice (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001). The researchers opted to implement an analysis which was based on qualitative and quantitative methods.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Methods Quantitative: online questionnaire (results were calculated in percentage by the Survey Monkey online programme). Qualitative: focus groups (interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed by the researchers).
INSPIRING GREATNESS Validity could have been threatened by the methods of analysis, given limited numbers of students who participated in the focus group discussion. Reliability could have been comprised by the degree to which the results are replicable and was subjective to external conditions.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Student’s access to this invitation to take survey was optional; hindrance is that students fail to access their notices in time. Study was limited to a cohort of third year students only.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Venues for focus groups were inaccessible to students due to lack of proper signage on various campuses. Time constraints due to clashes with academic programmes limiting the numbers of participants attending the focus groups.
Q1 Are you male or female? The gender ratio of Students taking the survey has minimal variance. Focus group indicated that 75 % of the students who participated in the focus group were Black South African citizens and 25% were International Students. Male 49.51% Female 50.49%
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q2 Which category below includes your age? The majority of the respondents 90,10% are in the age group or older
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q3 How are you funding your studies this year? 1 Financial Assistance 37.07% 2 Bursaries 21.95% 3 Sponsorship 4.39% 4 Privately 37.56% 5 Other 3,41%
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q4 After completing you first undergraduate degree would you prefer to: 1 Continue studying 55.12% 2 Get a job 51.22% 3 Take a gap year 4.39%
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q5 what would you list as the most important reason for wanting a job? 1 Providing for your family 54% 2 Improving the quality of life 39.50% 3 Financial freedom 36.50%
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q6 How would you consider your academic performance during your third year? Good academic standing 74.51% At risk 16.18% Underperforming 9.31%
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q7 Are you aware of the selection process to enter into postgraduate degree? Yes 68.78% No 31.71%
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q8 Are you likely to meet the academic requirements for the postgraduate degree of your choice? 80.39% Yes 19.61% No
INSPIRING GREATNESS Q9 Would you consider registering for a postgraduate degree at UKZN? 83.41% Yes 17.56% No
INSPIRING GREATNESS Thematic Analysis Three broad categories were identified: 1.Socio – Economic factors 2.Cultural dimension 3.Systemic university protocol
INSPIRING GREATNESS 1.Socio – Economic The under resourcing of financial support can explain some challenges in the retention of postgraduate students
INSPIRING GREATNESS 2.Cultural dimension Most of the students reported feeling responsible for their families where the onus was upon them to provide monetary support after completion of first degree. Students were hesitant to explore internship options because of the lower remuneration structure.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Some students indicated options to study via correspondence or part-time whilst they worked. Students reported that they were aware that further study implied better prospects for work.
INSPIRING GREATNESS 3.Systemic University protocol 68.78% of students were aware of the selection process whilst 31.71% indicated that they were not aware of the selection process to enter into postgraduate studies at the beginning of their undergraduate studies.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Some students indicated that the procedure for selection was not sufficiently clear, although they had some indication about the minimum entrance requirements.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Others obtained information from the website and from lecturers. Information also obtained from current postgraduates and alumni with whom they had contact.
INSPIRING GREATNESS The research indicated that UZKN seemed to be the first choice for postgraduate studies because of the following: Has a good reputation for research based learning. Lecturers and supervisors are already familiar. Teaching staff and support staff efficient. Equipment offered – good resources. International recognition.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Conclusions and Recommendations
INSPIRING GREATNESS Many factors can be assigned as influential to a student’s decision to pursue a postgraduate degree. The aim of this research was to identify the most significant factors, that being the socio-cultural, economic factors and lastly the university protocol at large.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Specific recommendations were offered from the students who took part in the focus groups, regarding ways to increase throughput.
INSPIRING GREATNESS At the level of postgraduate studies students requested detailed and timeous information regarding future options and availability of postgraduate placements.
INSPIRING GREATNESS It was suggested to look at alternative ways to disseminate information though awareness events and campaigns (postgraduate day, orientation day, open days, etc.). A further recommendation suggested that Honours level studies should be part of an undergraduate degree.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Providing effective resources and facilities, as well as guidance support to prospective postgraduate students is primarily the responsibility of the Institution.
INSPIRING GREATNESS Postgraduate students would also welcome an increase in the number of supervisors. This would imply that most students would be able to enroll for postgraduate degrees.
INSPIRING GREATNESS In conclusion, providing effective resources and facilities, as well as guidance support, to prospective postgraduate students is primarily the responsibility of the institution to facilitate postgraduate intake.
INSPIRING GREATNESS References: Beauchamp, T. & Childress, J. (2001). Principles of Biomedical Ethics (5 th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Council for Higher Education (CHE) 2009 Durrheim, K. (1997). Social Constructionism, Discourse and Psychology. South African Journal of Psychology, 27, Kazdin, A. (1998). Methodological issues and Strategies in Clinical Research. (2 nd ed.). Washington: APA Terre Blanche, M., Durrheim, K. & Painter, D. (2006). Research in Practice: Applied Methods for the Social Sciences. (2 nd ed.). Cape Town: UCT Press. Tredoux, C. & Durrheim, K. (Eds.). (2002). Numbers, Hypotheses and Conclusions. Cape Town: UCT Press.