v Gender Balanced Leadership
Total Eircom Employee Base v 83% = Male employees
Total Eircom Employee Base v 83% = Male employees 17% = Female employees
At a Leadership Level Balance is Much More Positive. v Manager levels in eircom are measured in terms of the number of degrees that an employee is distant from the CEO. The CEO is level zero on this chart. FEMALES MAKE UP MAKE UP 40% OF THE LEVEL ONES AND 30% OF THE LEVEL 2,3 AND 4’S.
At a Leadership Level Balance is Much More Positive. v while technology is dominated by men, we have WOMEN IN KEY LEADERSHIP ROLES, CTO and Director of the fixed access network
What is driving better balance at leadership level? v 1.Recruitment – 30% of our recruits are women 2.Women’s network in eircom that supports female leaders 3.Mentoring, coaching programmes available
Coaching v Mentoring v Sponsoring v
v Tends to focus on performance and leadership development “coaching is the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another” Usually very structured with scheduled meetings Shorter term Coach facilitates development
Coaching v Mentoring v Sponsoring v Tends to focus on longer term career development, life choices and, with women, how to break through Can be informal as and when Longer term Mentor usually more experienced and qualified
Coaching v Mentoring v Sponsoring v Sponsor – it’s often your boss Usually will offer elements of coaching and mentoring as part of the boss/subordinate relationship Two way street – to deserve a sponsor need to deliver, loyalty, network, feedback
Take Aways v 1.From my experience in eircom, coaching/mentoring/sponsorship have a strong role to play in developing female leaders 2.There are a lot of good programmes available - sign up to one 3.Only one request that I have made for mentoring was turned down 4.Fit is key in coaching and mentoring, if it’s not right change it 5.I’ve had a coach for 13 years and need one today as much as ever 6.I’ve just completed the Preasta mentoring programme and my sponsor has just left the organisation so I will be actively seeking a new mentor and sponsor