Chapter 0 Maps and Globes Section 1 Using Globes Vocabulary p. 6 Continent – A large body of land. There are 7 continents. Hemisphere – One of the halves of the Earth. Equator – An imaginary line circling the Earth halfway between the North and South Poles and dividing the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Prime Meridian – The line of longitude marked Zero degrees on the world map, from which longitude east and west is measured. Questions and Answers (1 - 5) p. 8 What is a continent? Name the Continents that border the Atlantic Ocean. A large body of land; North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Antarctica What is a Hemisphere? Half of a globe What imaginary line separates the Northern and Southern hemispheres? Equator What imaginary line separates the Eastern and Western hemispheres? Prime Meridian How can using globes help you learn about the Earth? You can learn about distances, shapes, and directions.
Chapter 0 Maps and Globes Section 2 Using Maps Vocabulary p. 9 Cardinal Directions – The directions north, south, east, and west. Intermediate Directions – The directions halfway between the cardinal directions; northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest Scale – Relative size as shown on a map, such as 1 inch = 100 miles (161 kilometers) Symbol – Anything that stands for something else, such as a blue line standing for a highway on a map. Map Key – A list of map symbols with an explanation of what each symbol stands for. Questions and Answers (1 - 6) p. 11 What are the cardinal and intermediate directions? Cardinal: north, south, east, west Intermediate: northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast In what direction would you travel going from Nairobi to Mount Kenya? From Nairobi to Mount Kilmanjaro? Northeast; Southeast Do both maps on this page have the same scale? No What does the color purple stand for on the map of Madagascar? What does the color orange stand for on the same map? Mountains; Short Grass What symbol is used to show cities? Dot Why do you think it is important to understand symbols on maps? Symbols help us understand the information on a map.
Chapter 0 Maps and Globes Section 3 Different Kinds of Maps Vocabulary p. 12 Political Map – A map showing primarily political divisions, such as national or state boundaries, important cities, and capitals. Physical Map – A map that shows primarily the natural features of the earth, such as lakes, rivers, mountains, and deserts. Landform Map – A physical map showing how the earth’s surface varies from place to place. Distribution Map – A special – purpose map that shows how things such as vegetation, are spread over an area. Questions and Answers (1 - 3) p. 13 What are some of the things commonly shown on political maps? Boundaries between countries, capitals, important cities What are some of the things commonly shown on physical maps? Natural features of the earth – bodies of land and their surfaces and bodies of water What is a distribution map? How is distribution shown on the map above? A map that shows how some feature is spread out over an area; By showing how population is spread out over India.