Facts for May 11 May 2010 David Cameron becomes UK Prime Minister following the resignation of Gordon Brown. 11 May 1927 Louis B Mayer the former head of MGM held a banquet for some of the top people in the film industry. One of the ideas he discussed was promoting the movie industry and having an Awards ceremony – the first one took place 2 years later – the Oscar was born.
What’s on ?? Tuesday 9.00P5 Go for It Programme – Infant Hall 11.20P6 Piping Group GP Room Scottish Book Trust Talk P4–7 PE Hall As a result of the Talk there are changes to the EA timetable PE9.10 7E PE Hall S Infant Hall Art9.10 4M and S Music S and E
What’s on ?? Wednesday 9.004E Drama – Infant Hall 9.105E Tag Rugby AWP S Drama – Infant Hall M Tag Rugby AWP M Tag Rugby AWP E Tag Rugby AWP 1.00P7 Piping Group GP Room 2
What’s on ?? Wednesday 2.004S Tag Rugby AWP 2.004M Drama – Infant Hall 2.00Eco Club meet with Alastair Morton from OIC – GP Room SUPA Club P5-7 GP Room P6 Netball – Infant Hall
What’s on ?? Thursday 10.00Pre-school Healthy Fun Workshop Infant Hall Early Lunch – Please can everyone go for lunch 10 minutes earlier than usual. Thank you 2.00Pre-school Healthy Fun Workshop Infant Hall 3.00Netball Nippers P1 – PE Hall Friday All DaySkara Brae Trip for P3 12 noonGames Parliament – GP Room 2
Eco Club We would like to update you on our targets from last week. We have completed Bag the Bruck and therefore this is now Green. Results will go on our Notice Board. Every class has a Energy Monitor badge, this target is now Green. Starting next week and Eco Club rep will collect meter readings. Eco Action Day – Transport. More details later.
Eco Club The new Crisp Muncher is working well. Please put crisp packets in it and not in the other bins. On Wednesday Alistair Morton from OIC will be visiting the Eco Club members to talk about renewable energy. If you have any question you would like us to ask, please put it on a post-it note and give it to Mrs Dufort
Eco Club On LAW Duty This Week 7S 2 LAW officers in each of the playground zones 1 LAW officer with Mr MacKinnon to litter pick at the front of the school
Well Done to …………. Maya for passing Level 7 and Vitoria passing Level 8 at their Gymnastic grading. Danny, Liam, Ewan, Morgan and Kerry on their success at the Hourston Open Golf competition which was held on Sunday.
Well Done to …………. Maciej, Isla, Jean and Alexander who all took part in the ‘Thurso Mini Meet’ Swimming competition Ryan, Callum, Aiden and Josh who took part in a 7’s Rugby competition
Well Done to …………. Well done to our dancers who took part in a show at the new theatre over the weekend.
Well Done to …………. Well done Liam (3 rd ), Conrad (3 rd ), Morgan (2 nd ), Megan 2 nd ), Sian (1 st ) and Jande (1 st ) for their designs for the Buddy Handbook Competition
Alana 7M and Jennifer 7S