Obstetrics & Gynaecology trainee representation By: Iranthi Meththananda ST1 Maryam Modarres ST3
Different types of representation Trust local faculty group (LFG) trainee representative Specialty training committee (STC) trainee representative Deanery representative at RCOG
Local Faculty Group LFG rep: Represents trainees at the trust Selection process is done locally LFG meets three times a year
Speciality Training Commitee STC rep Represents KSS O&G trainees of the same year. The committee meets four times a year. Members include representative from each of the KSS hospitals. Selection is by election.
RCOG representative RCOG rep Represents all KSS trainees at RCOG level. The RCOG trainees committee meets twice a year. The committee consists of a representative from each deanery across the Uk. Selection process is by election and each trainee serves for 3 years.
Duties Represent views of trainees at meetings Feedback to trainees Attend meetings regularly
Benefits Develop skills in attending meetings, presenting and presenting the view point of colleagues. Becoming involved in shaping our training Good for CV
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