Leadership Development Training Cycle District Training Manual pages 5-13 Session 2 (slide 8 of 36) Key Point This session includes information about the recommended Rotary leadership development training cycle outlined by the RI Board-or Trustees.
District Training Program Learning Objectives Review the Rotary leadership development training cycle Discuss the content of each training meeting Session 2 (slide 9 of 36) Key points At the end of this session, you will be able to Discuss the RI Board- or Trustees-recommended guidelines for each training meeting in the Rotary leadership development training cycle, including its time frame and topics. Develop the content of each training with the convener that complies with the Board and Trustees’ guidelines and also meets local needs. District Training Program
Leadership Development Training Cycle District Training Manual page 5 Session 2 (slide 10 of 36) Key points Each meeting builds on the previous meeting to ensure that all club and district leaders share a common vision when the new Rotary year starts. Governors-elect are trained at regional meetings during GETS and as an international group at the International Assembly. Governors-elect and the district training committee then train the district leadership team (assistant governors and district committee members) at the district team training seminar. The district leadership team then helps train club leaders at PETS and the district assembly. The district membership seminar should be held following the district assembly. This cycle prepares all Rotary leaders from the RI President to Rotary club officers for the upcoming year. Discussion Questions: How do these training meetings benefit your club? How do these training meetings benefit your district? District Training Program
Leadership Development Training Cycle District Training Manual page 6 Session 2 (slide 11 of 36) Key point Continuing education opportunities, including the district leadership seminar, the district Rotary Foundation seminar, the Rotaract leadership training, and the leadership development program, ensure that club and district leaders have current information about Rotary and its Foundation (DTM, page X). Discussion Questions: How do continuing education meetings benefit your district? How do continuing education meetings benefit your club? District Training Program
Incoming Officer Training Meetings Work with your governor-elect on these district training events: District team training seminar President-elect training seminar (PETS) District assembly District membership seminar Other training events in the district, as appropriate District Training Manual pages 5-10 Session 2 (slide 12 of 36) Key points The district training committee works with the governor-elect on these district training events: District team training seminar President-elect training seminar (PETS) District assembly District membership seminar Other training events in the district, as appropriate The district membership seminar is the primary responsibility of the district membership development committee. The district training committee may have responsibility, as determined by each district. These meetings all occur within 6 months before the start of the Rotary year. Discussion Questions: Does your district convene any other incoming officer training meetings? If so, who is the audience and what topics are addressed? What topics are addressed at the district team training seminar? (DTM, pages 6-7) What topics are addressed at the presidents-elect training seminar? (DTM, pages 7-8) What topics are addressed at the district assembly? (DTM, pages 8-9) What topics are addressed at the district membership seminar? (DTM, pages 9-10) District Training Program
Continuing Education Training Meetings Work with your governor on developing and conducting these annual training events: District leadership seminar District Rotary Foundation seminar Rotaract leadership training Leadership development program Other training events in the district, as appropriate District Training Manual pages 10-13 Session 2 (slide 13 of 36) Key points The district training committee works with the governor on developing and conducting these annual training events: District leadership seminar District Rotary Foundation seminar Rotaract leadership training Leadership development program Other training events in the district, as appropriate The district Rotary Foundation seminar and the Rotaract leadership training are the primary responsibility of specific district committees. The district training committee may have responsibility, as determined by each district. The leadership development program is a new program that was approved at the November 2006 Board meeting. This club or district level program develops the leadership skills of Rotarians by enhancing their professional life and developing future leaders for the club. Materials will be created by RI in the next Rotary year. Discussion Questions: Are there any additional training events specific to your district? If so, who is the audience and what topics are addressed? What topics are addressed at the district leadership seminar? (DTM, pages 10-11) What topics are addressed at the Leadership development program? (DTM, page 11) What topics are addressed at The Rotary Foundation seminar? (DTM, page 12) What topics are addressed at the Rotaract leadership training? (DTM, page 13) District Training Program
District Training Program Training Resources The District Training Manual Rotary Training Talk email newsletter Training Best Practices Database Rotary E-Learning Center Training Calendar Training Download Center www.rotary.org District Training Manual pages 14 Session 2 (slide 14 of 36) Key points The District Training Manual is available for download on the RI Web site in English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. A copy was sent to your governor-elect. Ongoing training support is also provided to those who subscribe to Rotary Training Talk, an e-mail newsletter (available in English, French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish). The Training Best Practices Database is an opportunity for Rotary clubs and districts to share their training success stories. The database is updated regularly and contains successful ideas submitted by Rotary clubs and districts around the world (English only). The Training Calendar lists important dates related to Rotary training and leadership development. All leaders’ guides and participants manuals are available for free download at www.rotary.org. The RI Web site (www.rotary.org) has up-to-date Rotary information on all aspects of Rotary. District Training Program
District Training Program Human Resources RRFCs RRIMCs RI training leaders RI Secretariat staff RI Leadership Education and Training staff District Training Manual pages 15 Session 2 (slide 15 of 36) Key points Rotary International and the Foundation also have trained volunteers and staff who can serve as subject matter experts or training consultants, including Regional Rotary Foundation coordinators (RRFCs) — Rotarians appointed to serve as the primary Rotary Foundation resource for a specific region. Regional Rotary International membership coordinators (RRIMCs) and zone membership coordinators (RIMZCs) — Rotarians appointed to serve as the primary membership development resource for clubs and districts in a specific region or zone. RI training leaders — Rotarians appointed to serve year round as training resources at the International Assembly and GETS. RI Secretariat staff —The Secretariat is Rotary International’s general secretary and administrative staff at RI World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA, and seven international offices. RI Leadership Education and Training staff — The Leadership Education and Training Division develops training resources that empower Rotarians to achieve the mission of Rotary International through effective clubs. Discussion Question: Who else supports training in your district? District Training Program
District Training Program District Resources District directory District Web site Examples of projects and activities Membership success stories Planning calendar Examples of strategies to improve club/district organization District Training Manual pages 15 Session 2 (slide 16 of 36) READ SLIDE Discussion Questions: What are your district specific resources for training? Are there any questions? District Training Program