WFD Reporting - River Basin Management Plans 2016


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Presentation transcript:

WFD Reporting - River Basin Management Plans 2016 Workshop: INSPIRE MIG-P/MSCPs and reporting under environmental acquis 27 – 28 January 2015 Darja Lihteneger, Fernanda Nery (EEA) Joaquim Capitao (DG ENV) Robert Tomas (JRC) 27.01.2015

Water Framework Directive (WFD): Outline Water Framework Directive (WFD): Objectives Water management approach River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) cycle Reporting requirements on RBMPs 2016 WFD Reporting and INSPIRE Spatial objects and INSPIRE spatial data themes & specifications Conceptual mapping between WFD & INSPIRE application schemas Roadmap Lessons learnt for future work

Water Framework Directive Provides the framework for EU water policy Complemented by and related to other legislation regulating specific aspects of water use Water management integration with other policies WFD River basin management plans – key tools for implementing WFD Complemented by Ground-water Directive Environ-mental Quality Standards Directive Commission Decision on ecological status Related legislation Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive Nitrates Directive Bathing Waters Directive Extended scope for integrated water management Floods Directive Marine Strategy Framework Directive Source: Water Framework Directive;

WFD water management approach The river basin approach – the best way to manage water and to achieve good ecological, chemical or quantitative (GWB) status River basins (catchments) Entire river system, from sources of tributaries to the estuary, including ground-waters River basin districts: cover river basins and associated coastal areas National and international / cross border (36%) river basin districts (e.g. Danube, Rhine, Odra, Po, …) River basin management plans (RBMPs): to safeguard each river basin district Reporting cycles: 2016 / 2022 / (every 6 years)

River Basin Management Plans At National level: 1st RBMPs in 2009; next cycle in 2015 Reporting to the European Commission: 2010, 2016 (and every 6 years) EU Member States must: prevent deterioration in the status of aquatic ecosystems, protect them and improve the ecological condition of waters; aim to achieve at least good status for all waters. Where this is not possible, good status should be achieved by 2021 or 2027; promote sustainable use of water as a natural resource. Source:

WFD Reporting: current schemas & guidance River basin districts, their sub-units and competent authorities Surface water bodies, pressures and status of waters Ground-water bodies, pressures and status of waters Protected areas (protection of waters, conservation of habitats and species) Surface water monitoring stations Ground-water monitoring stations Monitoring information (water status) Programmes of measure, environmental objectives, water use Surface waters related background documentation Ground waters related background documentation WFD common (code lists) Guidance for spatial data

2016 WFD Reporting and INSPIRE

WFD Reporting and alignment with INSPIRE Boundary conditions: WFD Reporting guidance document has been endorsed by the Water Directors Potential changes to WFD Reporting shall fit into the roadmap of WFD Reporting 2016 Priority in 2015 is on adaptation of tools used for reporting and testing Foreseen reporting – delivery period: October 2015 – March 2016 Work on alignment at conceptual level (mapping) in 2014: Lead: DG ENV + consultants Support by EEA, JRC

Mapping between WFD schemas and INSPIRE applications schemas Conceptual mapping Identification of spatial objects in WFD and relationships with INSPIRE applications schemas / specifications Mapping between WFD schemas and INSPIRE applications schemas Proposed changes to the WFD Guidance and reporting schemas

WFD spatial objects & links to INSPIRE data specif. River basin districts and their sub- units Surface waters - water bodies: Inland waters (except groundwater): lake, a reservoir, a stream, river, etc. Transitional waters Coastal waters Territorial waters (for specific cases of chemical status) Artificial water body Heavily modified water body Groundwater bodies Monitoring stations (SWB, GWB) Protected areas: Protection of surface water & groundwater or conservation of habitats and species directly depending on water (not provided elsewhere) INSPIRE Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones and reporting units INSPIRE Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones and reporting units Proposed application schema Water Framework Directive INSPIRE Hydrography INSPIRE Geology INSPIRE Environmental monitoring facilities INSPIRE Protected sites

Mapping – outcomes 1/4 Positive mapping: Geometry Several attributes in WFD Reporting schemas can be conceptually mapped to INSPIRE attributes Examples - INSPIRE AM: European codes for RBD, SWB, GWB > part of INSPIRE Identifier Member States codes for RBD, SWB, GWB > INSPIRE thematicId Names of RBD, SWB, GWB > INSPIRE name Competent authority for RBD and RBD sub-units

Mapping – outcomes 2/4 For several INSPIRE properties, “default values” can be used in WFD Reporting: Examples – INSPIRE AM: zoneType = riverBasinDistrict or waterBodyForWFD environmentalDomain = water legalBasis = reference to the EU legislation – Water Framework Directive INSPIRE properties are proposed to be included in WFD Reporting schemas: Examples – INSPIRE AM: Language of names Designation period Life cycle information Information on RBMP (plan)

Competent authorities at level of water bodies (SWB, GWB) Mapping – outcomes 3/4 INSPIRE properties that are identified as voidable from WFD Reporting point of view: Information might be provided from the point of view of INSPIRE implementation but are not requested by WFD Reporting Examples – INSPIRE AM: Links between water bodies (SWB, GWB) & related hydrographic (surface waters) or hydrogeology spatial objects (ground waters) in proposed WFD application schema Competent authorities at level of water bodies (SWB, GWB)

Mapping – outcomes 4/4 Concepts in WFD Reporting need extensions of INSPIRE code lists: Semantic alignment between INSPIRE and WFD Examples: INSPIRE data specs INSPIRE code list Proposed values to add EF – Environmental monitoring facilities PurposeOfCollectionValue (empty code list) Specific values for WFD AM – Area management … SpecialisedZoneTypeCode categories for WFD surface water bodies (coastal, transitional, river, lake, etc.)

WFD Reporting 2016 - Roadmap WFD Reporting guidance document - endorsed by the Water Directors Identify related INSPIRE data models / specifications (IR, TG) INSPIRE specifications, application schemas Mapping of WFD schemas with INSPIRE app. schemas (IR, TG) Updated WFD Reporting guidance (as feasible) and schemas (finalizing January 2015) Matching tables, Proposed updates Update of WFD schemas and guidelines 2014 2015 - 2016 Testing, prepare reporting at MS level (tools) Tools finalization (Feb 2015), some tools later Operational testing Mar – Jun 2015 Delivery Oct 2015 – Mar 2016

Lessons learnt for future work

Compatibility of spatial data sets used in Reporting Streamlining European Environmental Reporting with INSPIRE – expected benefits Compatibility of spatial data sets used in Reporting By preserving semantics of INSPIRE and thematic Directives Spatial data sets will be provided according to the same INSPIRE application schemas and specifications (for example: RBD as INSPIRE AM and not as INSPIRE Hydrography) Comprehensive implementation of obligations related to INSPIRE Directive and thematic Directives Progressive use of INSPIRE infrastructure for reporting data flows Progressive contribution to INSPIRE infrastructure - access to environmental spatial data

Data oriented approach Data level - conceptual mapping is the first step: Include thematic and INSPIRE knowledge Take decisions and document mapping Information how to map (interpret) INSPIRE common elements (base types) is advantage and time saver in this activity (identifiers, data types, code lists, extensions, …) Setting operational e-Reporting requires: Several steps and cycles: Steps: policy (uses case), semantics, data, tools System development cycles: analysis - design – development - testing – operational implementation – maintenance Training Resources for adaptation and capacity of stakeholders (MS, EC, EEA) Responsibility and governance (EU - national level)

Coordination and cooperation Coordination should involve: Interested stakeholders: thematic experts, networks, nominated working groups, authorities responsible for reporting or for INSPIRE implementation Levels: Members States and European levels Tighter links with INSPIRE MIG and coordination structures: INSPIRE MIG INSPIRE Thematic Clusters (established December 2014) INSPIRE coordination structures in MS Cooperation as: Workshops E-Reporting pilots and projects