MAKING CEVICHE By: Nathan Sorensen
Ceviche is a famous South American Dish.
Fresh Produce Start With Fresh Ingredients.
Halibut Make sure to use fresh fish.
Prepare Produce Cut up your fresh produce.
Prepare Halibut Cut up the halibut into cubes.
Combine Produce Add chopped vegetables to bowl.
Add Fish to Bowl Place halibut in bowl with produce.
Squeeze Limes, add vinegar. These ingredients “cook” the halibut.
Refrigerate/Let it “cook” Leave the citric acids to work their magic.
Prep. the cucumbers & crackers You’ll need these to scoop the ceviche!
Remove from Refrigerator After 30 mins., remove and serve chilled.
Garnish Add an avocado wedge as a topper..
Voila! Wasn’t that easy? Add your own ingredients to make it your new recipe!