The Story of Babushka
My house is the cleanest in all of Russia.
“All this fuss for a star! I haven’t time to look. I’m so behind I must work all night.”
“No, I’m sorry, there is just so much to do – clearing dishes, washing up, sweeping the house. And I don’t have anything to give a baby king.”
“I have lots of toys in this cupboard. But goodness! How dusty they are. I must clean them up!”
“Oh my goodness! Look at the time. I must hurry to catch up with the kings.”
“Oh yes, they were here two days ago. The baby was in the stable because the Inn was full. Shall I show you?”
“I was running to Bethlehem to see the new king and my dolly fell out of my pocket!” “Thank you Babushka” “Now I must catch up with the other shepherds – we’re going to Bethlehem to see the new baby king!”
“Is he here?”