Fluvanna County Public Schools Department of Student Services Director: Frank Leech
Student Services Director School Psychologist Social Worker School Nurses Teachers
Alternative Education Student Services Alternative Education Programs Health and Wellness School Nurses PBIS CPMT Attendance Out of County Tuition Safety and Crisis Management Guidance and Counseling FCPS Facility Use Foster Care Homeless Homebound Discipline Project Return Homeschool
Alternative Education Disciplinary Hearings Counseling and Support Student Services Alternative Education Community Outreach Abrams Academy Homebound Distance Learning Homeless Disciplinary Hearings Foster Care Disciplinary Reviews Health Counseling and Support Health and Wellness School Guidance School Nurses
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Student Services Education School Safety GED Program C.I.T ISAEP Crisis Intervention C.M.P.T Behavior Attendance Discipline Monthly Meetings PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Out of County Tuition
Homeless Education for Homeless Children and Youth McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act A federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. Education for Homeless Children and Youth Ensures the enrollment, attendance, and the success of homeless children and youth in school through public awareness efforts across the commonwealth and subgrants to local school divisions
Student Enrollment as of 10/21/14 HOMESCHOOL The Home Instruction Statute (22.1-254.1) specifies four options under which parents can provide home instruction: Option (i): (Parent/Guardian) Holds a high school diploma Option (ii): Is a teacher of qualifications prescribed by the Board of Education Option (iii): Provides a program of study or curriculum for the child or children (the program of study or curriculum may be delivered through a correspondence course or distance learning program, or in any other manner) Option (iv): Provides evidence that the parent is able to provide an adequate education for the child Student Enrollment as of 10/21/14 Homeschool-202 Tutor Option-4 Religious Exemption-47
Alternative Education ISAEP PROJECT RETURN INDIVIDUAL STUDENT ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PLAN Students ages 16 to 18 Enrolled in high school programs Having difficulty finding success in a regular classroom environment. Included in Enrollment (but not limited to) Career guidance counseling Mandatory enrollment in a GED preparation program Career and technical education The student has the opportunity to re-enroll in a regular classroom environment at any time. ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PLACEMENTS Formed to assist school divisions in addressing the educational, social, and emotional needs of students who require an alternative educational program.
Alternative Education Programs Student Enrollment as of 10/21/14 Abrams Adventure Learning Academy (Grades K-4) -2 Abrams Academy (Grades 5-12) -13 Distance Learning-3 Pre-GED/ISAEP-6 Out of County Placement-26 Homebound-4
Staff and Student Health School Nurses Review and update school nurse policies Head Nurse: Sonya Patterson FCHS Nurse: Melissa Hopkins FMS Nurse: Shawna Whitford Carysbrook Nurse: Bridgett Carter Central/West Central Nurse: Joyce Houchens Health and Wellness Committee Purpose: Review school nutrition, wellness activities for our staff and students Provide community activities that contribute to fitness and health Provide ways of getting information to the public concerning health and wellness in the schools Review nursing procedures in the schools
Homebound Services Provided to students who have a medical condition preventing them from participating in classroom instruction Requires medical documentation submitted by a medical professional Provided to both children with OR without disabilities Number of students enrolled in FCPS Homebound Services as of 10/21/14: 4 Virginia Department of Education Guidelines http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/homebound/
Discipline Hearings Reviews Receive recommendations/referrals from school principals Set up discipline hearing at SBO with parent(s)/guardian(s) and student Determine the consequence/placement (depending upon the infraction) Reviews Schedule/attend meetings with the purpose of reviewing student progress in alternative education program Decide if student is ready to return to regular/home school
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports of Virginia Supports positive academic and behavioral outcomes Provides educators and administrators with discipline strategies that reduce disruptive classroom behavior PBIS For more information on P.B.I.S., visit: http://ttac.odu.edu/pbisva/
Safety and Crisis Management Crisis Reviews for each school Updating School Safety and Crisis Manuals Work with DCJS for state reports Door entry systems for the schools
CIT Crisis Intervention Team Director of Student Services provides the School Board with safety reports State required safety drills are regularly conducted at schools All staff is required to wear a school I.D. Crisis intervention team meets monthly with the Sheriff’s Department Camera systems were evaluated and upgrades are in the process of being completed All school crisis manuals have been reviewed and updated All schools will have security door systems similar to that at the high school where visitors are funneled through the main office. Team: Director of Student Services,
P.B.I.S Role in discipline Guidance P.B.I.S Role in discipline
FCPS Facilities Use The office of the Director of Student Services accepts requests and approves applications from the general public to use the school system's facilities. Requests include: Sport facility use School cafeteria use School auditorium use FCPS Facilities are commonly used for: Sports Practice/Events Church Events Girl/Boy Scout Events Award Ceremonies Educational Fairs The facility use application can be found on the fluco.org website
Community Policy and Management Team CPMT The local governing body of Fluvanna County appoints the members of the CPMT. Members include: Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors Department of Social Services Region Ten Community Services Board Fluvanna County Health Department Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court Fluvanna County Public Schools-Director of Student Services Fluvanna County Finance Director Parent Representative Policy-making team Oversees the implementation of the CSA (Comprehensive Services Act) Makes all FAPT (Family Assessment and Planning Team) appointments Oversees funding, helps agencies to work together and hears appeals on FAPT decisions Responsible for implementing new legislation that affects the CSA
NON–RESIDENT STUDENT TUITION Superintendent sets the tuition on an annual basis Amount equal to the local expenditure per student Legal Ref: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, § 22.1 – 5. Role of the Director of Student Services Approve/not approve non-resident student tuition Number of Non-Resident Students Enrolled in FCPS: 4