EU Maritime Security Policy and legislation


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Presentation transcript:

EU Maritime Security Policy and legislation Christian DUPONT Deputy Head of Unit for Maritime & Land Transport Security DG Mobility and Transport European Commission Trafi seminar, Helsinki , 16 & 17 September 2014

Key figures EU MARSEC LEGISLATION APPLIES TO : 23 coastal States & 26 Flag States 7574 flagged vessels (to which Regulation 725/2004 applies) 4300 maritime companies 1082 ports ‏ > 3800 port facilities 80 RSO appointed by the MS

What is maritime security ? Preventing/reacting vs threats – only for/against the users of the seas? What kind of threats? Traditional threats to maritime security : mainly diplomatic/military nature (i.e. territorial disputes) Non-traditional threats : terrorism, piracy, organised crime, illegal fishing, etc… The non-definition of the IMO

Definition of maritime security for EU maritime transport Regulation (EC) n° 725/2004 on enhancing ship & port facility security reads : ”Maritime security means the combination of preventing measures intended to protect shipping and port facilities against threats of intentional unlawful acts.”

EU maritime transport security-related legislation 1. Regulation (EC) n° 725/2004: maritime & port facility security 2. Port Security Directive EC n° 65/2005 3. Commission Regulation 324/2008: inspections 4. Regulation (EC) 450/2008: Modernised Customs Code

EU Maritime Security legislation (1) Regulation (EC) n° 725/2004 of 31 March 2004 Based on SOLAS chapter XI/2 and the ISPS Code, in force since 19/05/2004 scope is limited to ships, companies and port facilities International maritime traffic covered since 01/07/2004 « Class A » national maritime traffic since 01/07/2005 Other national maritime traffic from 01/07/2007, dependent upon the result of a compulsory security risk analysis to be conducted by each Member State Made mandatory some provisions of ISPS part B Creation of Community inspection regime, essential to ensure consistency Creation of an EU Maritime Security Committee

EU Maritime Security legislation (2) Directive 2005/65/EC of 26 October 2005 on enhancing port security Based on the IMO/ILO code of practices for Port Security Threat not limited to the ship-port interface but also includes ports as a whole; Applies to any port with port facilities within scope of Regulation 725/2004; Complements ship and port facility security and expands into all security relevant port areas; Boundaries of the port to be defined on a case by case basis by the Member States

EU Maritime Security legislation (3) Directive 2005/65/EC on enhancing port security contd. Uses the same tools as Regulation 725/2004 (security assessment, security plan, three Security Levels, approval by Member States, plus appointment of a Port Security Authority); Minimum requirements for PSA, PSP, training and RSOs (detailed in the Annexes); Port security officer to be appointed; A port security committee may provide practical advice on security matters; Particular attention to be given to Ro-Ro vessels carrying passengers and vehicles.

Implementation Inspections to ensure implementation In general, Regulation 725 /2004 well implemented by Member States Differences in national administrative practices Different administrations for ships and ports Federal and decentralized structures Implementation of Directive 2005/65/EC more challenging

Over 750 EU Commission inspections since 2005 LEGEND C- Companies RSO- Recognized Security Organizations DIR- ports NA- National Administrations PF- Port Facilities

EU trends in Port Security Assessments (PSA) carried out and Port Security Plans (PSP) adopted, 2010-2014 (as of 02/06/2014)

Implementation - Follow-up Nr of Ports 23 Member States Situation January 2010 2012 2014 September PSA PSP Up to 30 Ports 14 MS: 222 ports 54% 29% 85% 68% 99% 97% 99.5% More than 9 MS: 861 ports 19% 14% 81% 40% 93% 73% 95% 91.1% 1083 EU Ports 32% 82% 47% 94% 78% 95.9% 92.6% 11/09/2014

To conclude….. Much progress in ten years – but still plenty of scope to do more Port Security measures require a high level of vigilance from Member States authorities. Commission's MARSEC Inspection programme will continue with due vigilance.

Any questions?

Thank you for your attention! Christian Dupont Deputy Head of Unit Maritime Security European Commission DG MOVE A4