Affordable Warmth in Bournemouth Neil Short 2015
The Health Impacts of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty “Improving the energy efficiency of the existing stock is a long-term, sustainable way of ensuring multiple gains, including environmental, health and social gains.” Professor Sir Michael Marmot
Bournemouth and Poole Health & Wellbeing Strategy REDUCING INEQUALITIES “There are a range of approaches to tackling poverty and worklessness – including projects that support people to find and sustain employment, financial inclusion projects, active local Citizens Advice Bureaux, Coastal Credit Union and affordable warmth initiatives.”
Financial Burden of Cold Homes The NHS estimate that millions of pounds each year are spent treating preventable cold related illnesses. The Government’s new Fuel Poverty Framework estimates that a single measure such as cavity wall insulation will save the NHS: £969
Funded by: GP localities Regeneration Partnerships Council Energy companies
2014/15 Results 150 households assisted £1.3m saved on fuel bills £90,000+ health savings 7,000 tCO 2 avoided
“I was recovering from a medical procedure, a warmer house made me feel more comfortable.”
“My daughter's asthma has definitely improved.”
“Less damp, no mould. My daughter's asthmatic symptoms have lessened.”
“Both me and my partner have not had colds/flu/sore throat etc at all this winter :-) Most winters we at least get a cold.”
“The bungalow retains its heat for much longer periods which is very efficient.”
“It is definitely much warmer, I am very much happier.”
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