Jordan Response Plan 2015 Process Updates 15 October 2014
Purpose of the Jordan Response Plan 2015 To provide protection and emergency humanitarian response to Syrian refugees and to strengthen the resilience of the affected Jordanian people, communities and institutions while at the same time (i) mitigating the ongoing impact of the crisis; (ii) sustaining Jordan’s social and economic stability, and (iii) preserving the critical development gains achieved in the last decades.
JRP Parameters Geographical focus: All Jordan Target groups: Syrian refugees, Jordanian nationals, and institutions
JRP Outline 5 Chapters: Foreword Executive Summary Financial requirement recapitulation table 1.Overview, objective and methodology 2.Refugee response 3.Resilience response 4.Direct budget support 5.Plan management, monitoring and reporting
JRP Responsibilities Each Task Force, led by the GoJ with UN support as Secretariat, produces its sector sub-chapter and submits it to the IATFs and the JRPSC Secretariat. The two Inter-Agency Task Forces compile and harmonize the refugee and resilience JRP chapters. The JRPSC Secretariat produces chapter 1, chapter 4 and chapter 5 in close cooperation with MoPIC and other key Ministries. The JRPSC Secretariat compiles the JRP and submits it to Platform members for final review.
Refugee Response Chapter (Chapter 2) Outline Refugee needs and past/current interventions Response strategy Financial requirement summary Response and financial requirements by sector
Resilience Response Chapter (Chapter 3) Outline Resilience-strengthening needs and past/current interventions Response strategy Financial requirement summary Response and financial requirements by sector
Task Force responsibilities Complete the Template for Refugee Sector Response and for Resilience Sector ResponseRefugee Sector Response Resilience Sector Response Complete one Project Summary Sheet for each project to be included in the PlanProject Summary Sheet Complete the Sector Response Project and Resource Planning FrameworkSector Response Project and Resource Planning Framework Review and update the list of ongoing projects
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Please visit for more info Dr Walid Abed Rabbo Senior Coordinator JRPSC Secretariat