Purpose Child Protection Class 2014 International Baptist Church
Children’sAdventure Time Ministry
Sunday Morning Connection 4-6 th Grade: Vivian Mendoza 1-3 rd Grade: Beth Brown 4-5 Years old: Laura DeVilbiss Nursery: Cheyene Chavez
Sunday Morning Keiki Church Coordinator: Denette Reed Worship in Song Prayer 1-3 rd Game time 4-6 th Lesson Time
Wednesday September-May 6:30-8:00 Club Coordinators – Pastor Dennis & Deborah Morita
October 31 st
Welcome to NERF
Matthew 18:6 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Please Open Your Child Protection Manual
Purpose The purpose of the Child Protection Program is to protect the children who attend any IBC ministry functions from the possibility of abuse and to assist the child who is being abused to find the needed help. This program also protects IBC and its workers from false accusations
Churches and ministries are a target for sexual predators and child abusers –Trusting –Access to children –The need for workers –Screening is too burdensome We have a moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe environment Purpose
Prevention and Protection There is no single profile for a molester. Not based on… –Age –Education –Occupation –Church involvement
Prevention and Protection Behavior Patterns of Child Molesters Predatory and preferential molesters – can have hundreds of victims –Spends an excessive amount of time with children –Isolates children away from observation –Takes special personal interest in troubled children –Skilled at gaining the trust of the child, the parent and the community –Move frequently
Prevention and Protection Behavior Patterns of Child Molesters Situational molestations – Take advantage of opportunities Also protect children from other (older) children who are situational molesters
Definition Child Abuse Verbal abuse Sexual abuse Sexual exploitation Infliction of injury
Definition A Child or youth is anyone under the age of 18
All workers (paid and volunteer) must be screened by interview prior to work or contact with minors in IBC ministries. Policy
All workers (paid and volunteer) must be trained in the Child Protection Policies by viewing an approved video presentation Policy
All workers (paid or volunteer) must read, understand and sign a statement agreeing to follow the policies and procedures concerning child abuse protection and reporting as prescribed by IBC. Policy
Two IBC workers (paid or volunteer) should be present at any overnight IBC activity or ministry setting that would be considered a high isolation situation.Policy
Policy All rooms used by adults and minors together should be accessible (no locked doors) and with open visibility (a window in the door or the door left wide open).
Policy Supervisory personnel must make random visits of IBC sponsored activities.
Policy Overnight activities sponsored by IBC involving minors should be approved by the Pastoral Leadership Team of the Board of Deacons.
Policy All suspicious or inappropriate behavior between an IBC worker and a minor must be reported to the Chairman of the Deacons or Pastor immediately.
Policy Reporting an incident: When anyone has reasonable suspicion that a minor is being abused by an IBC worker (paid or volunteer), or is himself accused, or someone whose action would reflect on IBC is accused, the following action should be taken:
Policy Reporting an incident: Call the Pastor or Chairman of the Board of Deacons within 24 hours of the time of the incident. The Pastor or Chariman of the Deacons will take appropriate steps for reporting requirements for the state and give counsel regarding the future ministry of the accused worker. The IBC Child Abuse Reporting Form will be completed and filed.
Policy Reporting an incident: Any person suspected of abuse of a minor will voluntarily relinquish or be removed from duties which involve direct contact with minors until the matter is completely resolved.
Protect the children Protect IBC® and our faithful staff and volunteers
For Volunteers: Complete Confidential Screening Form Complete Request for Criminal Records check Conduct a personal interview Conduct a background check through Provide a copy of the IBC Child Protection Policy and Procedures Application Process:
All workers will be trained in the Child Protection Program through All workers are required to read, understand and agree to the IBC Child Protection Policy and Procedures Training:
Two IBC workers should be present at any IBC activity that is an overnight or high isolation situation involving minors. All rooms used by adults and minors together shall be accessible (no locked doors) and with open visibility (window or open door) This applies to restroom facilities as well. Supervisory personnel will conduct ranom visits of activities. Overnight activities should be approved by the Pastoral Leadership team or the Board of Deacons. Work Supervision:
All suspicious or inappropriate behavior must be reported to the Pastor or Chairman of the Deacons within 24 hours. Take all allegations seriously. Document all phone, verbal or written communication. The Pastor and/or Chairman of the Deacons will take appropriate steps to determine reporting requirements for the state and give counsel regarding the future ministry of the accused worker. The IBC child abuse reporting form will be completed and filed. Reporting Obligations:
Gather any applications, screening forms, etc. of the accused Any person suspected of abuse of a minor will voluntarily relinquish or be removed from duties which involve direct contact with minors until the matter is completely resolved. In the event of press inquiries, use the prepared public statement. Be careful to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of all involved. Reporting Obligations:
Ask now Ask later: Pastor or Chairman of the Deacon Board. Questions?