ALLIANCE FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS (ATIS) UPDATE Susan Miller, President & CEO, ATIS GSC-18 Meeting, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis, France Document No: GSC(14)18_017 Source: ATIS Contact: Susan Miller, ATIS Agenda Item: 2.2
ATIS IN BRIEF GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS): A leading ICT organization with more than 30 years experience working with member companies to define, address, and advance technology solutions and standards to support the timely roll-out of new products and services. 2
ATIS’ OBSERVATIONS GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis ICT is an industry in transformation. Transition From Hybrid to All-IP Networks Hardware-based Solutions Migrating to Software-based Solutions Vertical Web Delivery Migrating to Horizontal Cloud Integration Collision of IT, Content, Web, Communications, and Network Businesses Non-Traditional Players Challenging Business Models and the Eco-System Innovation Cycles Shorter Cost Reduction Pressures Higher Defining and Delivering the Ultimate Customer Experience 3
HIGHLIGHT OF ATIS ACTIVITIES GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis ATIS’ Current Priorities Reflect ICT’s Transformation: Software-Defined Networking/Network Functions Virtualization – ATIS is launching a comprehensive effort focused on inter-provider NFV. All-IP Transition – ATIS is addressing every aspect of this transition by enabling interoperability for new services, addressing cost structures, and providing interconnection protocols, templates and processes. Leveraging Network Intelligence – Enabling operators to increase their return on their big data assets by taking advantage of emerging technologies to better utilize available network information. 4
HIGHLIGHT OF ATIS ACTIVITIES GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis ATIS’ “Analysis of the SPDY Protocol and SPDY Proxy” addresses Google’s experimental protocol for a faster web. SPDY has been submitted to the IETF for standardization as HTTP 2.0. ATIS launched the Open Web Alliance (OWA) to develop requirements for an open service optimization proxy to meet the service needs of all stakeholders in the web ecosystem while supporting the goals of encryption and privacy – issues central to HTTP 2.0’s success. To address SPDY’s impact on network management and value- added services, OWA will publish an open service optimization proxy document before the completion of HTTP 2.0 (November 2014). 5
HIGHLIGHT OF ATIS ACTIVITIES GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis6 Goal Connect network services to third-party applications and end users Execution Develop JavaScript libraries to integrate enhanced network services with edge devices – e.g., orca.js: Open Real- time Communications API Promotion Demonstrate capabilities for service providers to transform their network into a commercial transaction platform ATIS Device Solutions Initiative
HIGHLIGHT OF ATIS ACTIVITIES GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis ATIS’ Device Solutions Initiative (DSI) directs the Open Real- Time Communications APIs (ORCA) project which: Simplifies call control for real-time web applications Provides web developers with APIs that are consistent across service providers Combines the reliability of standards-based interoperability with the speed and innovation of open source software solutions An ORCA demo is planned for Q4 2014: Demonstrate the functionality, value and capabilities of ORCA APIs to encourage adoption by app developers and IT managers 7
ATIS’ DIRECTION Rapid integration of network and IT will enable companies to provide services with interoperable, media-rich, service-oriented networks. Advancing the value of ATIS’ members’ networks demands continual transformation in how we develop solutions and standards. Increasing end-user value, acknowledging the changing business models of ATIS members, and delivering innovative output -- embracing open source solutions in addition to standards and beyond -- are central to ATIS’ focus. GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis8