Context related Endorsements Aseel Addawood
Amal al-Qahtani Profile
What ??? Amal
A project has been added by Amal Al-Qahtani you have been added as a team member. Project name: Interactive Speech Based Games For autistic children with Asperger Syndrome Skills Amal have: Java Programming Analysis Add a skill Submit ……
Interface Skills: Java Programming Skills: Analysis
Audience Students and faculty who worked on shared projects.
Motivation LinkedIn is taking the relationship out of its context. Endorsements are given to users with no checking who gave them. This improved interface will improve Endorsements reliability and will create a module to signal different skills.
Pros The system will only allow team members and advisor to add skills related to the project. Employers will know what skills the user have been using in projects. Connections will have the opportunity to endorse someone in the context of their relationship