1 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Next Steps to Better Nutrition Part 6: On Your Way to Better Nutrition
2 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Healthy eating begins with you! Next Steps to Better Nutrition As we age, we need: Fewer calories More of key vitamins and minerals Make every food choice count!
3 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Cholesterol is a waxy substance that comes from two sources: your body and your food. There are two kinds of cholesterol in your blood: “good” (HDL) or “bad” (LDL). Too much “bad” or too little “good” cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. What is cholesterol? Next Steps to Better Nutrition Total Cholesterol target = Less than 180 mg/dL
4 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging The Heart-Check Food Certification Program Next Steps to Better Nutrition 1.Useful tool to construct a healthier diet. 2.Makes it easy to spot heart-healthy foods in the grocery store or when dining out. 3.Program criteria are based on sound science regarding healthy dietary recommendations, food categories, specific product ingredients, and nutrient values.
5 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Heart-Check Food Certification Program Nutrition Requirements Next Steps to Better Nutrition Total Fat:Less than 6.5 g Saturated Fat1 g or less and 15% or less of calories from saturated fat Trans FatLess than 0.5 g (also per label serving). Cholesterol20 mg or less SodiumUp to 140 mg, 240 mg or 360 per label, or 480 mg per label serving and per RACC Beneficial Nutrients (naturally occurring or historically fortified) 10% or more of the Daily Value of 1 of 6 nutrients (vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein or dietary fiber)
6 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Cook the healthy way every day Reduce added sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat Reduce sodium and salt Increase fruits and vegetables Increase whole grains Use heart-healthier fats Eat smaller portions Next Steps to Better Nutrition
7 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Daily food choices for adults aged 60+ Next Steps to Better Nutrition Source: Servings-from-Each-Food-Group_UCM_318186_Article.jsphttps:// Servings-from-Each-Food-Group_UCM_318186_Article.jsp
8 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Healthy eating can be affordable and tasty! 1.Use a shopping list. 2.Build meals around foods on sale. 3.Shop the perimeter of the store for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, and low- fat dairy products. 4.Keep a supply of healthy staples, including canned and frozen fruit and vegetables. 5.Stretch your dollars and your produce by knowing how to store your food. Next Steps to Better Nutrition
9 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Cut your favorite recipe in half. Freeze whatever you don’t eat for another time. Buy frozen fruit, vegetables, and meat in bulk, then bag them in individual portions and put them in your freezer for quick and easy meals. Prepare and share with others. Cook a pot of beans or a roast for use in 3 different meals. Cooking for one? Make your healthy plate easy Next Steps to Better Nutrition
10 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging Next Steps to Better Nutrition 3 ways to eat healthy as you age: 1.Eat a variety of nutritious foods from all the food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, and nuts. 2.Eat less of the nutrient-poor foods. Compare nutrition facts labels to help you avoid foods that are too high in sodium, added sugars, and saturated and trans fats. 3.Eat enough calories to maintain a healthy body weight for you.
11 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging A heart healthy diet and lifestyle are good weapons to fight cardiovascular disease and stroke. Next Steps to Better Nutrition Use up at least as many calories as you take in to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Eat a variety of nutritious foods from all the food groups. Eat less of the nutrient-poor foods. Don’t smoke tobacco and avoid secondhand smoke. As you make daily food choices, base your eating pattern on the recommendations included in the “Daily Food Choice” handout.
12 A nonprofit service and advocacy organization © 2014 National Council on Aging For more information: Facilitator’s name and contact information: CONTACT NAME Phone Number address Join us for these classes to stay healthy! Name, date, time, location Next Steps to Better Nutrition