WG-CSAB Updates Spring 2015 COPC Meeting (NCEP, College Park, MD) May 27-28, 2015 Lamar Russell WG-CSAB Chair
Overview WG-CSAB membership Data Exchange Using Secure Protocols H8 DRO, MTSAT, and In Theater Impact Federal Plan for Cooperative Support and Backup Among OPCs (P14) GOES-R Direct Readout NOMADS WG & JAG Chair Status Review the COPC AI Status
WG-CSAB Current Membership NAVO Representative Mr. Lamar Russell (Chair)* 557 WW Representative Mr. Ken Smith FNMOC Representative Mr. Jim Vermeulen NCEP Representative Dr. James Yoe NESDIS Representative Mr. Keith Amburgey OFCM Executive Secretary Mr. Ken Barnett WG/OD Co-chair Mr. Dennis Hobson (ACC/A5W) Mr. Kyle Rushing (NAVO) JAG/CCM Chair Mr. Craig Wade (NESDIS) JAG/OCM Chair Dr. Mark Swenson (FNMOC) *New to this group or role since the last COPC meeting
Data Exchanged Using Secure Protocols COPC Action Item 2014-2.1: Determine if data can be exchanged via the DAPE Gateway using secure protocols. FTPS was agreed to be the optimal exchange protocol for this data. The DAPE Gateway can support FTPS. It was agreed that NAVO would test the FTPS exchange with the DAPE Gateway (POCs: Bill Godfrey and Keith Willis). The NAVO firewall exceptions were to be added the week of 4/27/2015. NSOF successfully sent two small test data sets to the NAVO FTP server today using FTPS (5/12/2015). Next step: Test with FNMOC and begin transitioning one data type at a time. Action will allow for examining latency implications based on data type number of files and size. CSAB recommends keeping this action open. MOU – cooperative (unconditional) intentions MOA – conditional responsibilities 4
H8 DRO, MTSAT, and In Theater Impact COPC Action Item 2014-2.3: Coordinate a meeting to discuss the DOD way forward for getting the 5 channel Himawari 8 data. (Involve CNMOC N3 and Air Force Weather. Discuss: MARKIVB; the Korean satellite; PMW 170-ESRP involvement; NWS downlink sites as a backup; and the Kaena Point modification.) 557WW will get the 5 channel (and maybe 14 channel) data via the MARK IVB. FNMOC is interested in getting this feed from 557WW. (GEOSimple format with a MTSAT label.) NOAA’s Kaena Point DOMSAT requirement stops when MTSat2 data no longer comes down MTSat1R so the recommendation is of Kaena Point stand down in Nov 2015. COPC’s guidance needed about the second intention of Action Item. Is CSAB the correct vehicle for addressing the DOD in theater dissemination issues? (Loss of shipboard DRO of MTSAT.) CSAB recommends closing this action. 5
Federal Plan for Cooperative Support and Backup Among OPCs COPC Action Item 2013-1.9: Review and update the Federal Plan for Cooperative Support and Backup Among Operational Processing Centers (FCM-P14-2012). OFCM needs to incorporate the FNMOC updates and the networking changes. CSAB needs to make changes based on the AF and NWS reorganizations. FNMOC and the 557 WW in discussion to add specific COOP capabilities with the document. CSAB recommends keeping this action open. 6
GOES-R Direct Readout COPC Action Item 2012-2.7: Each OPC to provide anticipated GOES-R implementation strategy; expressly addressing data receipt mechanism/methodology and impacts to processing infrastructure. GOES-R is scheduled to launch in March 2016. Air Force will modify existing GOES infrastructure at Offutt AFB for direct readout. NAVO and FNMOC are continuing to pursue GOES-R Direct Read-out capability, using the Navy ESRP Program. Plan to use PDA delivery until DRO capability is established. CSAB recommends keeping this action open. 7
NOMADS COPC Action Item 2012-2.8: NCEP (in particular NCO) will host a teleconference meeting/s with the DOD OPCs to develop the way forward with NOMADS. 1) Investigate alternative paths (besides Internet) for the operational use by the OPCs. 2) Discuss architecture and backup capabilities. 3) Solve getting the DOD data flows on the NOMADS server for distribution. 1 and 2 will be covered by the 2nd DOD/NOAA connection and IDP at Boulder. PDA (and NOMADS) is functioning in College Park. Dissemination of 557WW Ensemble products from the CP NOMADS: 557 WW needs to make modifications to their GRIB to meet the WMO standard table definitions. CSAB recommends keeping this action opened. 8
Status of the COPC AIs 2014-2.1: Determine if data can be exchanged via the DAPE Gateway using secure protocols. (Keep Open) 2014-2.2: Brief COES about COPC impacts to operations with the lack of the Indian Ocean region coverage. (Recommend Closure) 2014-2.3: Coordinate a meeting to discuss the DOD way forward for getting the 5 channel Himawari 8 data. (Involve CNMOC N3 and Air Force Weather. Discuss: MARKIVB; the Korean satellite; PMW 170-ESRP involvement; NWS downlink sites as a backup; and the Kaena Point modification). (Recommend Closure) 2014-2.4: COPC Technical Directors will develop a new Terms of Reference for the JAG/OCM and assign the members and chair. (Recommend Closure) 2014-1.2: JAG CCM shall coordinate with COPC partners to update the network requirements (now FY14-FY17). (Keep Open) 2013-2.1: Complete a new DAPE agreement for signature. (Keep Open) 2013-1.2: Review and update the Environmental Satellite Data Annex to the DAPE MOA. (Keep Open) 2013-1.5: : Implement an end-to-end latency test exchange using representative proxy data from NOAA (NESDIS, TOC, and NCEP) through NFG to each DOD OPC. (Keep Open)
Status of the COPC AIs 2013-1.9: Review and update the Federal Plan for Cooperative Support and Backup Among Operational Processing Centers (FCM-P14-2012). (Keep Open) 2012-2.3: At the next COPC meeting give an update on how NOAA will connect to the Backup PDA in Fairmont and what connectivity there will be between the Backup PDA and DOD. (Keep Open) 2012-2.7: Each OPC to provide anticipated GOES-R implementation strategy; expressly addressing data receipt mechanism/methodology and impacts to processing infrastructure. (Keep Open) 2012-2.8: NCEP (in particular NCO) will host a teleconference meeting/s with the DOD OPCs to develop the way forward with NOMADS. 1) Investigate alternative paths (besides Internet) for the operational use by the OPCs. 2) Discuss architecture and backup capabilities. 3) Solve getting the DOD data flows on the NOMADS server for distribution. (Keep Open) 2012-2.9: NESDIS to track and share JMA rebroadcast and HRIT downsampled product offerings. JAG ODAA to assess mutual center needs for obtaining Himawari via cooperative share relationship with JMA. (Keep Open) 2012-1.6: Work with the Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Project Manager to understand the critical milestones for the implementation of the PDA and how this will impact the DAPE Gateway and DOD partners. (Recommend Closure)
WG and JAG Chairs CSAB JAG/CCM JAG/OCM WG/OD 1994 James G. Howcroft (NMC) 1995 Donald Caviness (AFWA) 2000 Carl Thormeyer (FNMOC) 2005–2008 (Sept) John Zapotocny (AFWA) 2008 (Oct) CDR Mark Moran (NCEP) 2008 (Nov)– 2011(May) Allan Darling (NCEP) 2011 (Jun) – 2014 (Dec) David McCarren (CNMOC) 2015 (Jan) – (Current) Lamar Russell (NAVO) JAG/CCM 2002 LCDR Susan Groening (FNMOC) 2004 Sherryl Panek (FNMOC) 2004-2008 Walter Coley (AFWA) 2008-2010(Oct) Luis Cano (NCEP) 2010-2011(1 Apr) Chris Finnigsmier (AFWA) 2011 (June) – (Current) Mr. Craig Wade (NESDIS) JAG/OCM 2005–2009 Nelson Seaman (NCEP) 2009 (May) – 2012 (May) Mr. Evan Kuchera (AFWA) 2012 (Sept) – (Current) Dr. Mark Swenson (FNMOC) WG/OD 2005–2007 Mike Matson (NESDIS) [Satellite] 2005–2008 CoChair Jon Whiteside (AFWA)] 2007–2008 CoChair Gary Petti (NESDIS)] 2008 (Oct) – 2011 (May) CoChair Brad Ballish (NCEP) [Conventional] 2008 (Jun) – 2011 (May) CoChair Jim Vermeulen (FNMOC) [Satellite] 2011 (Jun) – (Current) CoChair Kyle Rushing (NAVO) [Conventional] 2011 (Jun) – (Current) CoChair Dennis Hobson (AFWA) [Satellite] 11
Questions / Discussion 12