Financial Statement Mariantonietta Ritrovato URBACT II BHC - Building Healthy Communities 1 st Steering Group Meeting Brussels, 9-10 June 2008 BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES City of Turin – Urban Regeneration and Development Sector
The BHC Budget Summary Slide 1: Overview of the Budget – Phase 1 Slide 2: Co-Financing from Partners Slide 3: Cost Units Slide 4/5/6: Co-Financing tranfer deadline Slide 7: Financial Management Slide 8: Presage & Certification Slide 9: References
Overview of the Budget – Phase 1 Total Budget ,00 ERDF ,00 Co-Financig ,00
Co-Financing from Partners 30-20% 70-80% , , ,00 PP 4 Belfast Total Co- Financing ERDF Sources , , ,00 LP Torino , , ,00 PP 1 Lodz , , ,00 PP 2 Amaroussion , , ,00 PP 3 Lidingo All the budget ( ,00) will be used for project implementation
Cost Units 2.500,00 for each PP for Local Support Groups for organisation of two Steering Group Meeting (SGM) 9-10 June 2008 and Sept (to confirm) for Project Co-ordination and assistant, strategic management, communication, administrative and financial officer, Webmaster and Urbact Website. Turin LP and QeC- ERAN ,00 0, ,00 0, , , , ,00 Total Total Budget 9. Managing Authorities 8. URBACT Local Support Groups 7. Equipment 6. External expertise 5. Communication and dissemination 4. Travel and accommodation 3. Meetings organisation 2. Personnel 1. Project co-ordination Cost Units ,00 0, ,00 0, , , , ,
Co-Financing transfer deadline/1 by 15 th July all the PP must to be transfer to Turin City Council the Co-financing; 4.500,00 PP 4 Belfast 4.500,00 PP 3 Lidingo 3.000,00 PP 2 Amaroussion 3.000,00 PP 1 Lodz 4.500,00 LP Turin Co-FinancingPartner
Co-Financing transfer deadline/2 by 30 th July Turin will transfer all PP 2.500,00 for Local Support Groups (LSG). by 30 th Sept. Turin will refund to PP all expenditure for travel (1 st – 2 nd SGM);
Co-Financing transfer deadline/3 BANK COORDINATES: CITTA DI TORINO Piazza Palazzo di Città 1 – TORINO – ITALIA Legal Rapresentative: Sergio CHIAMPARINO UNICREDIT BANCA S.p.A. – AGENZIA 8162 Via Bellezia 2 – TORINO Account n ABI – CAB IBAN IT72G SWIFT UNICREDIT 2B Internal References: URBACT II - BHC
Financial Management The whole budget for BHC project will be managed centrally by the City of Turin. LP costs for management; costs for travel and accommodations for SGM; costs for communication; transfer to PP for LSG. PPto transfer co-financing; costs for travel for two SGM that will be refunded by LP; to define the basic structure of LSG.
PRESAGE & CERTIFICATION PRESAGE applicative programme; The Project Partner (PP) put expenditures in Presage to be certified; Identifying a local financial responsible; Login and password; Identifying a Certifying Body (CB); Login and password.
References For any communication and request of information: Turin City Council - Finances and administration BHC Tel Fax