Review and prove the following: What elements make this Gothic literature?What elements link it to Puritan thought?How does Hawthorne use symbolism to develop theme?
Syntax and diction Syntax Dense sentence structure Find subject and verb first to make meaning Diction Old, outdated (archaic) Old need to be re-phrased using context clues in sentences Diction See “Understanding Archaisms” on page 308 in old lit books
Allegory Work in which characters, events, or settings symbolize/represent something else.
Relate to Hawthorne Hawthorne specifically uses this to emphasize moral qualities and circumstances that people can relate to on their own terms.. Thus, “The Minister’s Black Veil” is highly allegorical and shows us man’s issues with morality and how we try to hide it. It becomes a tale of what happens when individuals and society judge sinful behavior too harshly. Keep in mind that he calls this a “parable” which is a short lesson that teaches a moral lesson.