Temporary Works – What Needs to be Done 17th June 2015 Temporary Works – What Needs to be Done
Temporary Works in Tata Steel HSE visit May 2012 identified areas of weakness with regard to the management of temporary work during the rebuild of Blast Furnace No. 4 Review conducted of the requirements of BS 5975:2008 Training given in the role of the Temporary Works Coordinator System put in place to monitor temporary works from design stage to installation and use
Temporary Works - Introduction Defined in BS5975:2008 as :- “Those parts of the works that allow or enable construction of, protect, support or provide access to, the permanent works and which might or might not remain in place at the completion of the works” Temporary Works - BOS OG Replacement 16 August 2012
Temporary Works - Background Examples of Temporary Works:- Earthworks e.g. trenches, excavations, slopes and stockpiles; Structures e.g. formwork, propping, shoring, scaffolding, temporary bridges, site fencing;
Temporary Works - Background Examples of Temporary Works Cont.:- Equipment / Plant Foundations e.g. tower crane bases, supports, anchors and ties for construction hoists, mast climbing work platforms, grounds to provide suitable locations for plant erection; Temporary Works - BOS OG Replacement 16 August 2012
Temporary Works - Management BS 5975:2008 provides recommendations and guidance on the procedural controls to be applied to all aspects of temporary works in the construction industry. You should be able to demonstrate that you have in place effective arrangements for controlling risks arising from the use of temporary works. These are captured in a temporary works procedure which will contain most or all of the following :- Appointment of a Temporary Works Co-Ordinator (TWC); Ensuring preparation of an adequate design brief; Preparation and maintenance of a temporary works register; Production of a temporary works design; Independent checking of temporary works design; Issue of a design / design check certificate; Pre-erection inspection of the temporary works materials and components. Supervision of erection of temporary works; Checking that temporary works has been erected in accordance with the relevant design; Confirm that permanent works have attained adequate strength, or no longer required to allow TW to be dismantled. Temporary Works - BOS OG Replacement 16 August 2012
Temporary Works – Management Temporary Works Co-Ordinator (TWC) Formerly Appointed and has authority to carry out his/her tasks including stopping the work if not satisfactory; Hold professional qualifications (CE Status); formal TWC training; relevant experience; Coordinate all temporary work activities; Determine the temporary works for the project, compile a Temporary Works Register and keep all TW records including drawings and design calculations; Ensuring that the Contractors procedures for control of temporary works are implemented on site; Not normally the designer but ensures design is prepared, checked and implemented on site; Temporary Works Supervisor (TWS) Responsible to the TWC and assist the TWC in supervision of temporary works. Temporary Works - BOS OG Replacement 16 August 2012
Process Flow
Temporary Works – Process Flow Start Initiator to complete ‘Temporary Works Request Briefing’ Form Initiator to issue ‘Temporary Works Request Briefing’ (TWRB) Form to Temporary Works Provider Temporary Works Provider / Co-Ordinator determines category for Temporary Works Provider submits design drawings/calculations checked in accordance with correct level of independence and confirms written confirmation to Initiator Category? 1, 2 or 3 No design required. Copy of TWRB form to be issued to Temporary Works Co-ordinator (TWC) for record purposes under CDM Initiator submits TWRB Form and design drawings/calculations to TWC TWC to sign and return TWRB Form to Initiator. TWC to record in TW Register. TWC to sign and return TWRB Form to Initiator. TWC to record in TW Register. Proceed with installation of Temporary Works Proceed with installation of Temporary Works TWC/Supervisor to inspect TW installation. TWC to issue TW Design and Installation Check Sheet and TW Permit. Proceed with use of Temporary Works Temporary Works - BOS OG Replacement 16 August 2012
Temporary Works – Documentation Temporary Works - Design Brief (By Initiator) A design brief should be prepared to serve as the starting point for subsequent decisions, design work, calculations and drawings; When the design brief is completed, the design check should be carried out
Temporary Works – Documentation Temporary Works – Design Check Before Starting the construction of the TW, the concept, adequacy, correctness and compliance with the design brief should be checked in accordance with the correct level of independence. Temporary Works Categories range from 0 to 3 depending on complexity Once the design check is complete and satisfactory a certificate or written confirmation should be issued to confirm the design complies with the design brief, standards and constraints or loading conditions. Temporary Works - BOS OG Replacement 16 August 2012
Category 0 Scope Restricted to standard solutions only, to ensure the site conditions do not conflict with the scope of limitation of the chosen standard solution Comment This applies to the use of standard solutions and NOT an original design which will require both structural calculation and checking to cat 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate Independence of checker The design check may be carried out by another member of the site or design team Scaffolding Context This would be anything that constitutes a “ Basic Scaffold” as defined in TG20:08 which can be erected within the parameters of TG20:08 guidelines (or for a system scaffold that conforms to the requirements of a standard solution in the User Guide for that system.)
Category 1 Scope For simple designs. These may include formwork, falsework (where top restraint is not assumed) needling and propping to brickwork in openings in single storey construction Comment Such designs would be undertaken using simple methods of analysis and be in accordance with the relevant standards, suppliers technical literature or other relevant publications Independence of checker The check may be carried out by another member of the design team Scaffolding Context Examples that would fall into this category would be simple bridges with beams, simple loading bays founded on the ground (such as typical brickwork for new build), straightforward towers and birdcages.)
Category 2 Scope On more complex or involved designs. Designs for excavations, for foundations, for reinforced concrete Comment Category 2 checks would include designs where a considerable degree of interpretation of loads or soils’ information is required before the design of the foundation or excavation support or slope Independence of checker The check should be carried out by an individual not involved in design and not consulted by the designer. Scaffolding Context Public protection, complicated bridging arrangements, heavily loaded birdcages, truss outs, line crossings and scaffolds for vehicular access
Category 3 Scope For complex or innovative designs, which result in complex sequences of moving and / or construction of either the temporary or permanent works Comment These designs include unusual designs or where significant departures from the standards, novel methods of analysis, or considerable exercise of engineering judgement are involved Independence of checker The check should be carried out by another organisation Scaffolding Context The definition of a ‘complex’ or ‘innovative’ scaffold can be somewhat subjective. Such variations include unusual load paths (wind transferred through wires or beams on flat) or bridging/cantilever beams at several levels in different directions.
Temporary Works – Permit Issue of Temporary Works Permits On completion of the design, drawings and installation, a TW ‘Design and installation check sheet should be completed by the Temporary Works Supervisor, or nominated competent deputy. This is to confirm the Temporary Works design has been carried out and checked, the Temporary Works drawing is as per the Temporary Works design and the Temporary Works installation is as per the Temporary Works drawing. The completed Design and installation check sheet and all accompanying information is then presented to the Temporary Works Coordinator prior to the issue of a Temporary Works permit. The Temporary Works Permit to ‘Load, Lift, Use or Transport’ can then be issued by the Temporary Works Coordinator . The Temporary Works Coordinator will complete the ‘Design and installation check sheet’ along with the Temporary Works permits by the insertion of the ‘Temporary Works No.’ taken from the next sequential number from the Temporary Works Register.
Temporary Works – Documentation Temporary Works – Design Check
Temporary Works – Permit
Temporary Works – Register Example of Temporary Works Register
Tata Steel Temporary Works Process
Temporary Works Cat Flowcharts Initiator of work prepares design brief Scaffolding Lifting Points Use of Structural Beams Mobile Cranes Scaffold company carries out design check Cranes and Lifting Department carries out design checks Design Office carries out design checks Civil & Structural Department carries out design checks Scaffold design complies with TG20:13 copy of design brief returned to TWC for inclusion on TW Register Suitable design of lifting point identified copy of design brief returned to TWC for inclusion on TW Register Suitability of beam confirmed and copy of design brief returned to TWC for inclusion on TW Register Suitability ground confirmed and copy of design brief returned to TWC for inclusion on TW Register Scaffold erected, inspected and tagged Lifting point installed as per design and tested Structural beam used in accord with design brief Mobile crane set up in accord with design brief Scaffold use monitored to ensure continued suitability Lifting point use monitored to ensure continued suitability Structural beam use monitored to ensure continued suitability Crane use monitored to ensure continued compliance with design brief