NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) The Voice of Nursing Community of Practice Forums (CoP) Forums Redwood City Medical Center January 15 th, 2015 Margaret Mette, CNO Maxine Rand, DCEPIC, Cathy Parker, CASD, Faith Bettencourt, ASD, Nora Tam Op. Specialist
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Redwood City’s Team 2 Executive Sponsor Maureen O’Brien RN, COO Champion Margaret Mette RN, CNO Project Lead Nora Tam Operations Specialist INSPIRATION Leader Maxine Rand, DCEPI Team members: Mary Machanga Lisa Kelly Mark Aquino Joy DeLeon Perla Baldugo Kiran Nayyer INFRASTRUCTURE Leader Cathy Parker, CASD Team members: Kathryn Snow Yvette Amos Baby Orsua Anu Nayyer Cathrene Deo Patricia McDonough EDUCATION Leader Faith Bettencourt ASD Team members: Lynn Utech Mary Dunn Renee Tellez Cindy Navarro Larah DeLara Raul Perez EVALUATION Leader Terry Graham* Education Specialist Team members: Terry Graham Vilma Cadiz JoAnn Welch Allen Sia
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Voice of Nursing Current Work 4 Introduction of Voice of Nursing (VON) Introduce KP mission, values, vision through different channels to reach out to all nursing staff Provide education, resource/media materials (wheels, pamphlets, etc.) Introduce to staff through committees, unit councils, 1:1 staff evaluation, NKE observation, Build and utilize Healthstream learning module on VON concept Connect VON concepts with Voice of Patient (verbatim comments) to promote to 6 KP Nursing Values through leadership bi-monthly newsletter Milestone: Nurse management (50): 100% by Dec 2014 Staff Nurse (400): 25% by Dec 2014, 100% by Dec 2015
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) INSPIRATION 5 Motivation Inspiration Stimulate and inspire “teamwork” and collaboration culture Use of Simulation Extravaganza to promote inspiration and a collaborative nursing culture during the launch of new hospital and orientation Introduce VON concept in HNO and NEO agenda for all new hires. Introduce the Neuroscience Nursing Excellence Committee to stimulate professional growth. Incorporate Journal Club to explore evidence- based practice on neuroscience nursing topic Share nurse’s story “I Became a Nurse For This” Milestone: Simulation Extravaganza (unit champions): 100% by Dec 2014
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) INFRASTRUCTURE 6 The 4 pillars Teamwork Culture Interview Process Nurse Orientation Utilize Interactive Patient Care IPC (Getwell Network), an interactive system between the patient, family members and the hospital team. Reinforce IPC is utilized for patient’s goal update at NKE handoff. As patient advocates, we believe IPC honors our values of integrated healthcare and commitment to optimal engagement with our patients and their families Institute Bedside Rounding in PCS with HBS physicians, RN and PCC team with patient and family members. eCards/card concept to recognize staff demonstrating VON values through their care of patient(s) during nurse leader rounding, direct report rounding, IPC comments, verbatim reports… Standardize interview process/tools across departments to ensure recruit and nurse orientation with VON mission and values in mind Scope and standards of professional nursing practice, KP nursing goals and values are part of NEO
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) EDUCATION 7 WHO HOW HARDWIRE PCS nurse leaders, supervisor, staff: PCS Expanded Group House Supervisor Group Unit Councils Committees (NQI, NPC, PFCC Council, etc.) Part of NEO and HNO nursing Written: VON Brochure, wheel badge, posters, newsletter, huddle messages Verbal: Booth – Farmer’s market, health fair Face-to-Face and 1:1: direct report rounding, monthly performance management session, annual evaluation Standardize & Recognition: regular huddle and meetings for reinforcement and recognition (staff nomination, eCard/card with nursing values, individual staff posters)
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) EVALUATION 8 From the People For the People About the People Monitor HCAHPS score, review verbatim comments: Track and trend Nurse Communication, Staff Responsiveness Certification wall: Share data and results - Calnoc, quality/service data, IPC goal tracking Evaluate staff engagement in understanding VON and professional practice: Direct report rounding, unit councils, pre/post questionnaire
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date Introduction of VON: Senior leadership: 100% completion PCS Nursing management (n=50): 100% completion PCS nursing staff (n=400): 60% completion VON 3-day workshop (6/17-19/2014) Medical Executive Committee (7/14/2014) PCS Expanded Group (7/16/2014) House Supervisor Group (7/16/2014) Nurse Practice Committee (May 2014) Nurse Quality Improvement (8/28/2014) Unit Councils (from July 2014 – monthly) Revitalization of Care classes (Jul/Aug2014) 9
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date Inspiration: The Simulation Extravaganza was a premier event held in the new Redwood City Medical Center on August 20 th, 2014, to introduce Critical Events Team Training using simulation to registered nurses from a variety of patient care departments. Represented units included neuroscience, medicine, surgery, ICU, OR, Pre Op, PACU, Radiology/CCL, and the Emergency Department. Participants engaged in activities developed collaboratively by the Training and Orientation team educators and Regional Risk Management simulation partners. There were a total of 54 participants in this event 10
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date Inspiration: Neuroscience Nursing Excellence Committee (NNEC) 11
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date Infrastructure – Interactive Patient Care (IPC) 12
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date 13 Infrastructure – eCards to recognize KP nursing values and standards using/connecting with verbatim comments, IPC patient comments “Voice of Patient”
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date 14 Education - Patient Family Centered Care Council was set up by our Neuroscience unit with members including CNO, unit management, frontline staff, patient advisor, HBS physician. - Regular meetings and participation in special projects such as Healing Arts with patients, visiting guidelines policy with focus on patient and family centric care
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Results As of Date Evaluation: Not much has done/implemented due to hospital move activities Team will regroup in 2015 for focus on working with each unit on certification wall 15
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) What We Have Learned…. Competing priorities delay process New hospital training and orientation, licensing and survey (Sep – Dec 2014) Work stoppage activities (Nov 2014) Refocus on re-educate and reinstitute Voice of Nursing to staff. Leadership support and alignment with VON is pivotal to program success and staff engagement. 16
NATIONAL PATIENT CARE SERVICES (INTERNAL USE ONLY) (INTERNAL USE ONLY) What We Need Help With… Opportunity to improve/streamline or share best practices (e.g. monthly update from National PCS). Include Voice of Nursing in Region program e.g. Annual Caritas Consortium forum. Offer more classes/seats for frontline staff (vs. allotment on certain fixed schedule with competing seats with management) on annual guest speakers (such as Tim Porter O’Grady sessions; 20/20, Turbulent Times). 17