Chapter 9 Section 3 Industrialization Spreads Objective: Trace the spread of industrialization through Europe & the United States. Vocabulary: Stock & Corporation
Setting the Stage Great Britain’s favorable geography & its financial systems, political stability, & natural resources sparked industrialization Eventually, the Industrial Revolution that began in Britain spread to both the United States & to continental Europe Countries that had similar conditions to Britain prospered during industrialization
Industrial Development in the United States America had fast-flowing rivers, rich deposits of coal & iron, & a supply of laborers made up of farms workers & immigrants During the War of 1812, Britain, blocked the United States from trading international The United States had to develop independent industries to produce products they could no longer import
Industrialization in the United States Samuel Slater emigrated to the United States built a spinning machine from memory Moses Brown opened the first factory in the United States however it only made one part of the finished product Textiles led the way in industrialization in the United States Factories popped up in Waltham, Lowell, & Lawrence, Massachusetts
Later Expansion of U.S. Industry During the late 1800s, the United States experienced a technological boom Along with their natural resources, a burst of inventions (electric light bulb & telephone) boosted the Industrial Revolution Chicago & Minneapolis expanded during the 1800s because of the expansion of railroad lines Businesses of all kinds began to merge together to form larger companies
The Rise of Corporations Larger businesses required a great deal of money Entrepreneurs sold shares of stock (certain right of ownership) People who bought stocks were part owners of those companies A corporation is a business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debt Giant corporations made big profits by reducing the cost of producing goods
Continental Europe Industrializes French Revolution & Napoleonic wars between 1789 – 1815 halted trade, interrupted communication, & caused inflation in some parts of the continent European countries watched the gap widen between themselves & Britain However, industrialization eventually reached continental Europe
Beginnings in Belgium Belgium led Europe in adopting Britain’s new technology William Cockerill illegally made his way to Belgium in 1799, carrying secret plans for building spinning machines His son, John, built an enormous industrial enterprise Belgium produced a variety of mechanical equipment
Germany Industrializes Economic isolation & scattered resources hampered countryside industrialization in Germany Germany began to copy the British model & sent their children to England to learn industrial management Germany built railroads that linked its growing manufacturing cities Germany’s economic strength spurred its ability to develop as a military power
Expansion Elsewhere in Europe In the rest of Europe, industrialization during the early 1800s proceeded by region rather than by country In France, industrialization was controlled & as a result they didn’t have the social/economic problems caused by industrialization For a variety of other reasons, many European countries did not industrialize
The Impact of Industrialization The Industrial Revolution shifted the world balance of power Industrialization widened the wealth gap between industrialized & non- industrialized countries Industrialized countries viewed poor countries as markets for their manufactured products
Transformation of Society Between 1700 & 1900, revolutions in agriculture, production, transportation, & communication changed the lives of people around the world Industrialization revolutionized every aspect of society from daily life to life expectancy Despite the hardships early urban workers suffered, population, health, & wealth eventually rose dramatically in all industrialized countries