Funding Opportunities Available
Some upcoming Funding Opportunities Funding Opportunity Number Opportunity TitleAgencyOpen Date ↓Close Date BJA BJA FY 15 Economic, Cyber, and High-Tech Crimes National Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program Bureau of Justice Assistance04/01/201505/18/2015 DARPA-BAA-14-39Information Innovation Office (I2O) Office-Wide DARPA - Information Innovation Office 07/15/201407/15/2015 IARPA-BAA Cybersecurity, cyber-event forecasting, cyber- actor behavior and cultural understanding, threat intelligence, threat modeling, cyber-event coding, cyber-kinetic event detection Advanced Research Projects Activity01/15/201501/14/2016 DE-FOA Academic Collaboration for Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems Research and Development for the Energy Sector National Energy Technology Laboratory 03/09/201505/12/2015 PD Energy, Power, Control and NetworksNational Science Foundation08/15/201211/02/2015 NSF Secure and Trustworthy CyberspaceNational Science Foundation08/13/201409/21/2015 BAA-RQKHB HUMAN PERFORMANCE SENSINGAir Force -- Research Lab10/29/201410/29/2018 W911NF-13-R-0006 Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency (DFBA) BAA for Basic, Applied Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command 07/15/201306/30/2015 PD Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering National Science Foundation07/17/201209/30/2015 HM BAA-0001National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Academic Research Program National Geospatial Intelligence Agency 04/22/201409/30/2017
DARPA BAA Opportunity Title : Information Innovation Office Deadline: 15 July 2015 Topics Solicited: Human Environment, Proclivities and Behavior Modeling for Cyber-Security Departments : Environmental, Psychology, Computer Science
IARPA BAA Opportunity Title : Office of Safe and Secure Operations Deadline: NA Topics Solicited: Approaches to operating securely with imperfect equipment, error-prone users, compromised components, and/or within an environment of unknown trustworthiness Departments : CSE
IARPA BAA Opportunity Title : Office of Anticipating Surprises Deadline: NA Topics Solicited: Methods for assessing capability and intent to leverage cyber capabilities against U.S. critical infrastructure Departments : CSE, EE, Transportation and Math
NSF PD Opportunity Title : Office of Sage and Secure Operations Deadline: NA Topics Solicited: Monitoring, Protection and Cyber Security of Power Grid Departments : CSE and EE
USAF BAA-RQKHB Opportunity Title : Human Performance Sensing Deadline: NA Topics Solicited: Sensors - Medical, Behavioral Departments : CSE, EE and Health Science Notes : Pre-Solicitation Anticipated Funding: $45.0M
NSF PD Opportunity Title : Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) Deadline: Topics Solicited: Sensors - Mathematical Modeling Departments : CSE, Math, IIS, EE SmallSept. 9 – Sept. 16 MediumSept. 18 – Sept. 24 BigNov. 04 – Nov. 24
NSGIA HM BAA 0001 Opportunity Title : National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Academic Research Program Deadline: 30-Sep-17 Topics Solicited: Geo - Analysis and Data Departments : Geography? Funding: $7.2M
NSF BAA Opportunity Title : Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs TopicsDepartments Embedded Systems Research (ESR) Sensors, Control Systems for Power Grids, Aviation, Engineered systems for Medical Purposes (Hearing Aids etc.,) Intelligent Systems, Computer Science Cloud Computing (CC) Economics of Data centers, Modeling and Networks CSE, Economics, Business Extensible Distributed Systems (EDS) Intelligent Transport systems, smart technologies Transport, CSE
NSF BAA Opportunity Title : Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Deadline TopicsDepartments Trustworthy Computing – (TWC)Engineering Social Economic and Behavorial (SBE) Psychology, Business and Engineering Transition to Practice (TTP)Engineering
NSF BAA Opportunity Title : Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Deadline: NA Topics Solicited: Big Data Departments : Wide Range from Education to transport Notes: In two or more phases. First phase is governance but second is about research Amount Available: $6.0 M to $7.0 M Amount Ceiling : $175,000 for 24 months
SPAWAR N R-0096 Opportunity Title : Cyberspace Science, Research, Engineering, and Technology Integration Deadline: 15-Jan-16 Topics Solicited: Security Engineering/cyber security Notes: Pre-Solicitation
Some Key Points for writing a successful proposal Extensive literature review (published articles, patents, funded projects)- reviewers search online to check for similar works Preliminary research is essential (a project preparation requires 4-6 months team commitment) Proposal format (requirements and guidelines) Need to highlight Novelty, and commercialization aspects Broader impact (educational, result dissemination, minority and diversity)- short term and long term Detailed tasks, milestones and deliverables Investigators and team composition expertise and Senior Personnel Time commitments (existing projects, time commitment) For some agencies, it may be useful to talk to the PM on the proposed topic, also participate in industry day, pre-proposal, etc.