POWER FOR RURAL HOMES AND FARMS Almitra H Patel Member, Supreme Court Committee for Solid Waste Management in Class 1 Cities in India
40% Indian homes have no power Most spend Rs 2 per night on candles or kerosene or oil, all with fire hazard, smoke Now independent portable solar LED power is available for as low as US$2 = Rs 125 with 1 year warranty, local servicing,10 yr life, 60-day payback, made in India. PLUS Rs 20 per day extra income from safe bright white light for extra working hours. HOW MANY HOMES CAN YOU SPONSOR ? 2
Govt misses cost-benefits of indiv. solar Decentralised village power like wind or solar for homes needs social engineering India does not have a culture of Communes or collective cooperation in caste-ridden and class-conscious village life. Each family gladly saves to upgrade from 1 mini-light to more or bigger portable ones or even solar home-lighting systems for 3 CFLs + 1 fan + 1 TV using AC or solar. 3
Farmers suffer with off-peak power Agri-pumps get midnight power so that city hoardings & showrooms can glitter. When all farm pumps switch on at once for brief hours, power trips and all are losers. Now daytime irrigation is affordable and regular with solar water pumps at Rs 1 lac per 1 HP, also with Rs 3000 p.m. loan for 36 months, no other security needed. Any HP existing pump can use solar power. 4
Small farmers can enjoy solar pumps too Even a 100 watt pump to irrigate a small vegetable patch improves incomes and nutrition, mother and child survival. PLEASE SPONSOR THESE, CHANGE LIVES ! See or 5