Your Sacred Anatomy — A Gateway to Transformation
Your core is pure Creation within you.
Your human energy structure is your personal text book. 4
1. The Layers: the subtle organs 2. The Template: the subtle nervous system 3. The Blended Energies System: the subtle cardio vascular system 4. The Bones of Light: the subtle skeletal- muscular system 5. The Elimination System: subtle elimination system to release excess and debris 6. The Human Electromagnetic Field: the subtle to material bridging system 7. The Harmonizing Network: the frequency based harmonic system- chemical systems
1.Locate your Presence with your hands and touch it. Say: “Hello beloved Presence. I am so happy to meet you. I would like to invite you to come into my physical body.” 2.Gently move it to the top of your head. Say: “Beloved Presence, I invite you to please come into my head.” Place your hands on your head and say: “I think this is a good idea.” 3.Breathe and say: “Beloved Presence I invite you to please come into my throat.” Bring the Presence down into your throat as you exhale. Place your hands on the front of your throat and back of your neck and say: “ My name is___.” 4.Breathe and say: “Beloved Presence I invite you to please come into my heart.” Put your hands on your heart and say: “I love my Presence.” 5.Breathe and say :”Beloved Presence I invite you to please come into my solar plexus.” Put your hands on your solar plexus and say: “This feels terrific! Being Present makes me HAPPY!” 6.Breathe and say: “I invite you Beloved Presence to come into my gut.” 7.Now anchor yourself, placing your hand on your gut, and say out loud: 8. “I am Present”. Allow your Presence to expand down into the hips and the bones of the pelvis. Breathe deeply as your Presence finds a comfortable resting place between your hips, filling your pelvic bowl with your own spirit, your essence. 9.Place your hands on your gut and say again: I am present.
Your structure is directed by the four aspects of the authentic self. Physical Emotional Psychological Spiritual
Energy shows/feels: Stagnation: stops, holding, stuckness Obstruction: blocks, constructs, obscuration, barriers Collapse: constriction/contraction, loss of integrity Loss of container: hyper-extension, porosity, disintegration Life shows/ feels: Repeating: Looping mind, body, spirit, behavior, patterns unable to change, in a groove or downward spiral Malfunction or injury : an event held by the HES Pathology: a syndrome or subtle anatomy illness shaping the HES
Organizational Strata
Name/define the Mental Construct Pattern Name emotions connected to the pattern Share pattern and the emotions with a partner (both people ) Notice the room, the space you are in. Return presence- Where is it difficult to feel present in your physical body? Focus a mini version of your pattern story Share with your partner where in the body it was difficult to feel present and the mini version of the pattern story. (both people) Sit with your partner and see them in the transformational moment. See them as pure potential. Take a deep breath and say: “ I accept you _____. “ (both people) Stand up and say: “I accept this transformational moment for myself. I allow myself to experience the shift. I accept myself as I am.”
The anatomy is brilliant and it is capable of instantaneous transformation. The subtle anatomy must be invited into conscious relationship. The human energy structure is willing to heal, to let go, to shift- Your structure seeks freedom from stops, blocks, patterns, and holding. Set your imagination free. Your ego must be willing to allow the possibility. It is up to you to take the risk to heal, to become whole, to change. yoursacredanatomy.com14
Find out about Core Individuation classes with Desda Zuckerman designed especially for the healing professional- Coming October 2015: The Illuminated Body for Professional Healers Energetic Hygiene for Healers Coming November, 2015: Awakening the Nine Levels of Sensing yoursacredanatomy.com15