Results of Group Work UNDAF Outcomes
UNDAF Outcome 1 The state has improved performance for legitimate, accountable, efficient and participatory governance.
UNDAF Outcome 2 The rule of law, based on Iraq’s Constitution and international treaty obligations, is applied by the Government, enabling all people, including the most vulnerable, to enjoy their human rights.
UNDAF Outcome 3 By 2014, Iraqis have a diversified public and private sector led inclusive economic growth that is socially and environmentally responsible and focuses on job creation as well as social protection for the most vulnerable.
UNDAF Outcome 4 By 2014, the Government of Iraq has an institutionalized legal and policy framework to respond to environmental challenges and opportunities in a participatory and integrated manner.
UNDAF Outcome 5 By 2014, all Iraqis, especially the underserved population, have access to quality essential services.
UNDAF Outcome 6 By 2014, the state has invested in the empowerment of women, youth and children to ensure equal and inclusive participation in political, economic, and social development.