English 9, Lisbett Arias Symbols in A Raisin in the Sun
Food/ Drinks In A Raisin in the Sun food and drinks are very meaningful symbols in the book. In the play, Walter turns to liquor for comfort, to forget his problems. It became like a band aid, making it all better. Ruth made it all worst with the food, which is why is an important symbol. Walter always tried talking to Ruth about his dream, and as she offered him food, she was also putting it aside, showing her lack of enthusiasm. As if what he was saying wasn’t important, as if his dreams were unreasonable and unattainable.
Food/ Drinks Symbolism Quotes In the play, Ruth makes it seem as if she had no hope for Walter and his dreams this is best shown when they have a conversation and Walter says “I got me a dream.” His woman says “Eat your eggs..” Walter replies “I got to change my life, I’m choking to death baby.” And all Ruth says is “your eggs is getting cold.” (Hansberry 33) You can tell that Ruth tries her hardest to avoid the conversation about his dreams, and every time is brought up, she pushes it to the side by bringing the attention to the food.
Food/ Drinks Symbolism Pictures
Pregnancy In the play, pregnancy is a very significant symbol. It represents how important the choices you make are and whether the outcome does or does not benefit your life. At first. Ruth’s pregnancy represents the sacrifices that she was making for what she thought would be a better life. Then, the symbol represents a new beginning for her and her family. The pregnancy symbolizes the theme of the failing of the dream causing the family to struggle which shows in how Ruth was ready to give up her child because of where the family stood financially.
Pregnancy Symbolism Quotes “And I’m waiting to hear you talk like him and say we a people who give children life, not who destroys them.” (Hansberry 75) This quote shows how when the decision was being made, Mama believed that no matter the situation they were in, the child should be able to live its life. It didn’t matter how much work had to be done. The following quote shows that Ruth herself is willing to work as hard as she can for her unborn child; “I’ll strap my baby on my back if I have too…” (Hansberry 140)
Pregnancy Symbolism Pictures
Check/Money The money from the check and money over all was a one of the biggest symbols in the play. It represents the possible opportunities that could be acquired because of it, how helpful and beneficial it would be for them, and gave the Younger family hope to succeed and accomplish their dreams of a better life and better financial stability. The check also showed Walter’s ambitious side. To Walter, money was who you were, it was power, it was life. The check would either help the family do better or tear them apart.
Check/Money Symbolism Quotes Throughout the play you could tell that Walter had big interests in money, even his mother noticed it. “So now its life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life- now its money…” (Hansberry) This shows how much ambition Walter has and shows were all his focus goes too. But his views changed throughout the play. “And we have decided to move into our new house…” (Hansberry 148) Which goes to show how they money was used to help the family out, to provide a stable place, and to keep progressing.
Checks/Money Symbolism Pictures