Department of Agriculture Maharashtra State
ParticularsIndiaMS% Total Geographical Area Area under Forest Area under non-agri use Cultivable waste land Area unfit for cultivation Area under cultivation Gross area Irrigated Population (Crores) (Lakh Ha.) Area under non-agri use Source :Economic Survey of Maharashtra LAND USE PATTRN
Agro-climatic Zones in Maharashtra 3
Pressure of the population on land(55%) Skewed distribution of operational holdings(1.44 %) Limited area under irrigation(17.90 %) (National avg.45.50%) Vast drought prone area(52%) Extent of ill-drained & saline soil(4.23%) Extent of light soil(39%) Degraded Soils(42.5%) Erratic behavior of Mansoon Constant Threat of Drought Erosion in Catchment Area of Major Projects Current Concerns of Agriculture in Maharashtra
Samples Analyzed during 2005 to 2010 Sr.NoYear Samples analyzed Ph, EC, NPK Micro nutrient ,09, ,44,69416, ,63,95621, ,44,30127, ,13,54323,702 Total 7,76,47797,542
Majority of Soil are Neutral to Moderately Alkaline in nature.
Ec. below 1 - normal, harmful to germination harmful to salt sensitive crops above 3 harmful to majority crops
Ranges of Nutrient Level : Low / Medium / High
Districtwise Nitrogen (N) Status
Districtwise Phosphorous (P) Status
Districtwise Patassium (K) Status
Zinc (Zn) and Ferus (Fe) micro-nutrients deficiency is promient. Micro nutrient deficiency Status –
Copper (Cu) Deficiency Status
Iron (Fe) Deficiency Status
Manganese (Mn) Deficiency Status
Zinc (Zn) Deficiency Status
Soil Testing Infrastructure in Maharashtra Sr. No. Soil Testing Labs.StaticMobileTotal 1Government Public Sector Undertakings Private Total Total Annual Soil Analysing Capacity : Lakh
Soil &Water Properties Tested Chemical Properties : pH, EC Major Nutrient : O.C.% (N), P, K Secondary nutrient : Ca, Mg, Na, CaCO 3 %, Micronutrient : Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn Physical properties : Texture, Water Holding Capacity, Moisture %,. Irrigation Water : pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, CO 3, HCO 3, SO 4 etc.
Services to Farmer Soil Health Cards with Fertilizer Recommendations Village Soil Fertility Index (N, P, K) Micronutrient Deficiency Status (Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn) Water Classification
STATUS OF SOIL TESTING IN MAHARASHTRA Sample Type Target Achiev’t %TargetAchiev’t%TargetAchiev’t (till Aug.14) % General soil samples 2,00,0002,41, ,00,0002,25, ,00,00074,68337 Micronutrient samples 2,00,0001,44,996732,00,0001,58,752792,00,00042,54821 Special soil samples 20, 00023, , 00018, , 0008,36242 Water samples 20, 00036, , 00035, , 00010,97855
Special program for developing Village Fertility Index under RKVY Soil Samples are drawn from every 10 ha. cultivable area These samples are analised for Major properties (pH, EC, N.P.K.) & Micro Nutrients (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe) Village Fertility Index & Micro nutrient Deficiency Status is calculated Fertilizer recommendation is displayed at Public Places in the concerned village. Fertilizer doses are calculated from Village Fertility Index This will help in INM & balance use of fertilizer.
Progress of Village Fertility Index Total Number of villages in the state Village Covered in the Year Village Covered in the Year Village Covered in the Year Target for the Year Village covered up to August Total Villages Covered up to August (49%) to Soil Health Cards Distribution : Target Lakh Achievement up to August Lakh
Sr. No. ComponentCost per UnitNo of Unit GOI Share State Share Total 1Setting up of New Mobile / Static soil testing laboratories (MSTL/SSTL) Rs Lakh / Lab Strengthening of existing SSTL / MSTLRs Lakh / Lab Training of STL/FTL staff,Field functionaries Rs / Training Field demonstration Rs / Demo Frontline demonstrationRs / Demo Creation of Data bank on location specific Balanced Use of Fertilizers Rs Lakh / State Creation of District wise digital Soil Fertility Maps Rs Lakh / District Promotion of Soil Testing Kit to field Level officers of State Rs / Kit Promotion & distribution of micronutrientsRs. 500 / ha Strengthening of existing Fertiliser Quality control Labs (FTL s) by State Govt /lab Setting up New FQCL by State Govt.75.00/lab Total Soil Health Management (SHM) Sanctioned Programme under National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA ) Rs. In Lakh
Proposed Plan for Strengthening of STLs Create facility to Analyze Boron (B) and Sulphur(S) Increase in Analysing Capacity : o Establishment of Govt. STLs in 4 Districts (Nandurbar, Hingoli, Washim & Gondia o HRD Program for Staff engaged in STL. o Modernization of STLs. o Increasing Involvement of Pvt. Sectors. NABL Accrediation to Govt. STLs. : o Staff Training Program is Completed
State initiatives for Soil Health improvement Soil Health Improvement Program: Distribution of Zinc, Ferrous Sulphate on 50% subsidy in deficient blocks (Zn deficit blocks 175 and Fe deficit blocks 106) State Organic Farming Policy : Organic Farming Area Increase by ha / year. District wise Fertilizer Demand and Use Strictly on basis of Fertility Status. Farmer Awareness Program for INM
Policy issues for consideration Assistance to chemical fertilizers only on the basis of soil testing recommendations Promotion of organic manures like FYM compost, green manuring, recycling and reuse of crop residue/biomass Promotion of bio-fertilizers on massive scale Encouragement for inter cropping of pulses in all major cereal crops Encourage use of soil amendments like lime, gypsum, rock phosphate etc. Promotion of organic farming Establishment of soil testing laboratories at each block along with major, micro nutrients and water testing facilities
Thank You
Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms'