Convert fractions to decimals Addition of decimal numbers Compare fractions & decimals Multiplication of decimal numbers Convert decimals to fractions.


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Presentation transcript:

Convert fractions to decimals Addition of decimal numbers Compare fractions & decimals Multiplication of decimal numbers Convert decimals to fractions


Bronze medal

Silver medal

Gold medal

Convert to a fraction: Rose

Convert to a fraction: Bronze medal

Convert to a fraction: Silver medal

Convert to a fraction: Gold medal

= Rose

= Bronze medal

= Silver medal

= Gold medal

Rose Greater than >, less than < or equal to =

Greater than >, less than < or equal to = Bronze medal

Greater than >, less than < or equal to = Silver medal

Greater than >, less than < or equal to = Gold medal

10 x 1.5 = Rose

45.23 x 4.5 = Bronze medal

234.6 x 25.7 = Silver medal

x 34.5 = Gold medal