School Improvement Grant (SIG) Cohort 6 Informational Webinar June 10, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

School Improvement Grant (SIG) Cohort 6 Informational Webinar June 10, 2015

2 Webinar Agenda Background  Priority Schools  Options Overview of RFP Highlights of Recent SIG changes Funding Priority Levels Proposal Narratives  District-level and School-level Budget and Budget Guidance Scoring Submission and Timeline

3 Background - Priority Schools Priority schools are the lowest performing 5% of schools in the state, based on combined ELA/math performance, or significantly low graduation rates.  List of Priority Schools – Schools must implement a whole-school reform model that fully incorporates federal principles for school turnaround.  ESEA Waiver –

4 Background – Options for Priority Schools to meet the Whole-School Reform Requirement OptionsFundingFeatures SIG planCompetitive Implement 1 of 7 models Turnaround Restart Early Learning Innovation Framework Transformation Closure Evidence-based SURR or SCEP plan LEA-Funded Whole-school plan based on seven (7) USED turnaround principles ProgramsInitiatives.html

5 Background – Eligibility for SIG Cohort 6 Priority schools not currently receiving SIG funding are eligible to apply. Priority Schools that have previously received SIG or School Innovation Fund (SIF) funding are eligible to apply, but will receive a lower funding priority than schools that have never been funded. This RFP is not to be confused with the SIG/SIF Continuation Plan applications which were issued separately to currently- funded SIG (Cohorts 2-5) or SIF (SIF Cohort 3) schools. LEAs must be in compliance with Education Law 3012(c) regarding APPR throughout the entire grant period. NYSED will not be offering another round of the SIF grant.

6 Overview - School Improvement Grant RFP  The SIG application is designed to promote focused and sustainable school improvement.  District-level plan, school-level plan, requirements specific to the chosen model, and a budget and budget narrative  Five-year funding period includes three years of full implementation followed by the opportunity to apply for sustainability funding based on performance  Year 1 - Implementation Period is 10 months and begins September 1, 2015 and ends June 30, 2016.

7 Overview - School Improvement Grant RFP  There are now six federal models to choose from: Turnaround, Restart, Transformation, Closure, Early Learning, Evidence-based; and one state-determined model, the Innovation Framework.  The principal needs to be replaced in all models except for Restart and Closure. Refer to the Competencies for Determining School Leaders. oritySchoolLeaders.html. oritySchoolLeaders.html  Educational partner organizations (EPO) required for the Innovation Framework and an educational management organization (EMO) is required for the Restart model. See Restart model guidance regarding EMOs at and plementationrestartmodel052411_1.pdf. plementationrestartmodel052411_1.pdf

8 Overview - School Improvement Grant RFP  Maximum funding: $2,000,000 over 5 years, with suggested funding levels of $500,000 for each of the first three years, and the possibility of $250,000 for years 4 and 5  Federal Guidance: requirements-school-improvement-grants-title-i-of-the-elementary-and- secondary-education-act requirements-school-improvement-grants-title-i-of-the-elementary-and- secondary-education-act  The state-determined model is the Innovation Framework, which includes the following pathways:  College Pathways School Design,  Community-Oriented School Design, and  Career and Technical Education School Design. The specific requirements of these pathways are found in the RFP.

Highlights - Recent SIG Changes Three new models – Early Learning model, Evidence-based model, and the Innovation Framework which is the NYS Education Department’s state-determined model Link to the Early Learning model and the Evidence-based model information The grant is now a 5-year grant – 3 full years of implementation, and schools will be eligible for up to two additional years of sustainability funding. Awards are still prioritized by whether or not a school was previously funded, but now are also prioritized by model selected. 9

Highlights - Recent SIG Changes The “Rule of 9” is no longer in effect; however, applications proposing the Transformation model are in funding priority level two. More information is explained later. Previous SIG cohorts – Cohort 1 schools that are still in priority status are now re-eligible for an additional 5 years of funding, but will be a lower funding priority level. Cohorts 2-5, are also now eligible for up to 5 years of continuous funding, but will follow a Continuation Application process separate from this RFP. 10

Funding Priority 1- Turnaround, Restart, Innovation Framework, and Early Learning Intervention models from eligible Priority Schools that have never before been funded by SIG 1003(g) or SIF grants. Funding Priority 2 - All applications for Priority Schools reviewed for the Transformation model that have never before been funded by SIG1003(g) or SIF grants. Funding Priority 3 - All applicants for Priority Schools reviewed for the Closure model that have never before been funded by SIG 1003(g) or SIF grants. 11 Funding Priority Levels

Funding Priority 4 –  All Priority school applications for Turnaround, Restart, Transformation, Innovation Framework, Closure, and Early Learning Intervention models from eligible Priority Schools that have previously received 1003[g] SIG or SIF funds.  All Priority School applications reviewed for the Evidence- based model.  All Focus school applications. Federal guidelines state, “SIG funds may be used to fund Focus Schools only after the SEA has already funded all of its Priority Schools with approvable SIG applications.”

13 Proposal Narratives General Points of Emphasis for Proposal Development  Include specificity and information-rich descriptions.  Provide clear evidence of capacity to implement: Board policies and/or procedures, Contractual provisions, and Clearly articulated labor-management agreements.  Provide clear evidence of school and community input in the plan.  Fulfill all federal requirements of the chosen model within the district-level and school-level plans.

14 Proposal Narratives District-level Plan (20 points)  District Overview  Operational Autonomies  District Accountability and Support  Teacher and Leader Pipeline  External Partner Recruitment, Screening and Matching  Enrollment and Retention Policies, Practices and Strategies  District-level Labor-Management Collaboration

15 Proposal Narratives School-level Plan (60 points)  School Overview  Needs Assessment  School Model/Framework Selection  Leadership  Instructional Staff  Partnerships  Organizational Plan  Educational Plan  Training, Support, and PD  Stakeholder Involvement and Communication  Project Plan and Timeline

16 Budget and Budget Guidance (20 points) Budget Narrative :  Clear explanation/justification of costs  Specific identification of all funding sources  Strategies for sustainability Budget Forms :  Year-One Implementation Period FS-10  Budget Summary Chart

17 Additional Budget Guidance Budgeted items must be closely connected to organizational and pedagogical needs and purposes identified in the plan. A maximum of 10% per budget may be allocated for supplies and materials (e.g., technology, office supplies, etc.). Proposed expenses for supplies and materials must be reasonable and necessary and must not exceed 10% of the total funding request. District costs must be associated with administration and support, and may not exceed 10% of the total funding request. The budget request must be commensurate to school size and need.

18 Scoring Scoring of application based on 100 possible points  District-level plan (20 points)  School-level plan (60 points)  Budget and narrative (20 points) 65-point threshold for award consideration Scoring rubric Required elements  Refer to Submission Checklist.  Applications must include ALL required elements.

19 Submission and Timeline The SIG RFP can be found at: SIG Application Questions  Must be received by 5:00 p.m. on June 24, 2015  Send to: Letters of Intent are requested, and should be submitted through Review Room by 3:00 p.m. on June 24, Questions and Answers posted  Posted by July 8, 2015 at

20 Submission and Timeline Complete applications must be successfully uploaded through Review Room by 3:00 p.m. on July 22, 2015 at Please also mail a complete application with a cover page with an original signature, plus one complete copy to the address listed on page 4 of the RFP. This must be postmarked by July 22, Award/non-award notification letters will be sent to districts in August, M/WBE requirements


22 Submission and Timeline Review Room Questions  Technical assistance for electronic submission only  Tracy Farrell at

23 School Improvement Grant (SIG) Cohort 6 Thank You NYSED School Turnaround Office