Presented By: Robin Morehouse, M.Ed. Wellness Specialist Plus One Health Management and TUWellness 1 TeamWell Challenge
Program Description 8-week (October 10- December 2) team based program to encourage you to develop healthy activity habits The TeamWell Challenge provides a holistic approach to wellness All tracking is online and confidential Weekly educational webinars Weekly from TUWellness reminding you to record your activity and announcing leading teams Incentives provided for participation in the program! 2 TeamWell Challenge
Teams Teams will consist of four Tulane faculty and/or staff Each team needs a captain – captain will be in charge of motivation! Plan a lunch time walk, schedule a fruit break, send encouraging s If you don’t have a team you can still register and be placed on a team 3 TeamWell Challenge
Points Physical Activity Walking, running, swimming, biking, yoga, etc No points for household chores or daily activity with pedometer 90 minutes per day limit Being Smoke Free or in a Smoking Cessation Program Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Servings are defined and limited to 9 per day Well Visits Any well visit in past 6 months or next 4 months will count Limit one for program 4 TeamWell Challenge
Points Age-Appropriate Preventative Screenings Colonoscopy, mammography, prostate, cholesterol Any visit in last 6 months honored (up to 6 per program) Educational Webinars View weekly online webinars and comment in discussion forum Limit one per week Adequate Sleep Points for getting 7 or more hours per night Water Consumption Points for each 8oz glass of water Limit 10 servings per day Weight Loss/Management Points for weight lost or for maintaining healthy BMI Limit 2 pounds per week or maintaining healthy weight Not required to enter weight but won’t earn points in this category 5 TeamWell Challenge
Incentives $100 for each member of TOP 5 teams (taxable event). Each week one team, in which all members logged activity for the week, will be chosen for a massage (15 minute chair massage for each person). Winners announced each Monday – massage will be scheduled for Friday afternoons. Team captain will need to find a room/office for massages. Top teams will be announced each Monday. Points must be logged by the end of following week to be counted. All points are confidential (nobody knows how to earned the points). Your captain can see how many points you have but not how you earned them. Points can be logged weekly or daily. 9 TeamWell Challenge
Registration to start the Send each team members name and Tulane address Designate team captain Create a team name If you don’t have a team; your name and address and you will be assigned a team OR sign up at the end of today’s session with Robin This information will be provided to website provider- you will receive an close to October 10 th with a link and password information to register on the website to begin tracking for challenge Please your intent to participate by October 7 at Noon 10 TeamWell Challenge